Spies ~ Party Lies Pt 2

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Little review from the last one. This is part 2 of 'Party Lies' so if you haven't read that one or don't remember it, I suggest you read it.

"Well done Harumi, and Lloyd. I see that you two have the information that we needed to bring down Borg. Now, you may leave and rest." Garmadon, their boss, waved them out of his office.

"Well, the mission went well." Lloyd commented as he and Harumi walked down the halls of the secret base, to get coffee.

"Yeah, we work well together don't we? I wonder if that's why they always partner us up."

"I don't think it is."

"Why not?"

"Well, we work well together, and they always have us portraying a couple."

"What are you saying?" Harumi tried to hide her smirk, but failed when Lloyd saw it.

"Oh, you know!"

"What? Noooo." Harumi's smirk grew into a mischievous smile.

"Oh you!" Lloyd picked up Harumi, and swung her over his shoulder. To which she half front flipped out of, leaving her on her feet and him on his back on the floor. "You win!" Lloyd threw his hands up in defeat, once he got up.

"I'm still faster!" Harumi stated proudly.

"Fine, fine." Lloyd laugeed.

"You're buying coffee." Harumi grabbed Lloyd's wrist and dragged him to the coffee 'shop'. (I truly have no idea what they are called as well. It's like a bar and it has coffee shop stuff.)

The two agents ordered their drinks and sat at the table. "So.. what do you think of people shipping us?" Lloyd started the conversation. Not much of a normal conversation, but they are government agents.

Harumi took another sip of her coffee before answering. Harumi leaned over the table to be closer to Lloyd since she was whispering. "We probably shouldn't talk about this here." Harumi sat back normally and continued to drink her coffee.

"Then where should we talk about it?"

Harumi 'thought' for a few moments. "Let's have dinner at my house tonight. Then we can talk."

"Ok, we have a mission in a few hours though." Lloyd wanted to see how well she could strategize this.

"Have you looked at the file? It'll be the easiest mission we've had in months." Harumi scoffed. "They have no security, 4 guards, and the boss will practically stop herself!" Harumi crossed her arms in pride of her knowledge.

"Ok, ok. You better be right."

{Time skip to the mission}

"Ready Jade?"

"Born ready, Garmadon!"

Lloyd and Harumi hopped through the open window, and started the long walk to the security room. (The room where the lady holds all of the stuff she stole) "This is almost too easy." Harumi commented.

"Yeah, it is." Lloyd and Harumi both stopped walking. Then..

BAM! A chair was thrown between them. "What the heck was that?!" Harumi and Lloyd started to run to the security room.

"Not a clue! But we need to get the files fast, before anything else happens!"

Lloyd and Harumi made it safely to the security room. "Ru, how will we find anything? The entire room is full of filing cabinets!"

"I have this little friend." Harumi holds up something that looks like car keys.

"A car key?"

"No, it'll scan for our document." Lloyd looked at her with a blank expression. "Just watch." Harumi started the mini machine. It scanned the whole room with a red laser like thing. "Found it!" Harumi walked over to one of the many cabinets and opened it. Low and behold, there the file was. "Now, let's get out." Harumi shot her grappling hook to the sunroof.

Lloyd followed her motions. The two agents headed back to base. "Here you go boss." Harumi handed over the file.

"Thank you. You two work very well together. You both have the week off."

"Thank you sir." Lloyd and Harumi said in unison.

"My house?" Harumi asked once they left the building doors.


"You're on!" Harumi ran to her car, which was parked near the front.

{Time skip}

"No fair! Your car was closer!" Lloyd argued.

Harumi unlocked her house door So? I still won." Her victorious smirk never faded.

"Wipe that smirk off your face!" Lloyd grumbled.

"Make me."

Now it was Lloyd's turn to smirk. "Are you sure?"


"As you wish." Lloyd picked up Harumi and set her on her kitchen counter.

"Wait, wait. Not here."

"Then where?"

Harumi pointed to a room, the door was slightly ajar. "My room."

"Perfect." Lloyd picked Harumi up, her legs wrapped around his abdomen. Once they made it to her room. Lloyd set Harumi on the floor so that she could now stand. Lloyd pressed her to the wall, like he had back at the party a few days ago. "Does anyone live here with you?"

"No" Harumi latched heer lips to his, only for a few seconds.

His lips trailed from her neck up to her lips. Harumi kissed back as soon as she felt his lips on hers. Lloyd walked with Harumi, still latched in a passionate kiss, to her bed. Lloyd laid her down on the bed.

{Hehe Time Skip To The Morning}

Harumi was making breakfast when she felt two arms snake around her waist. "Good morning Lloyd." Harumi whispered over her shoulder.

Lloyd softly kissed the bare skin on her shoulder. "Good morning, beautiful."

"You're too sweet." Harumi set the plates of food at the small table.

"We have the week off to do whatever we want."

Harumi smirked. "Yes, we do."

Lloyd let a lovestruck sigh fall from his lips. "I love you."

"I love you too, Lloyd."

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