Instead of going to touch his chest, he grabs a blanket and comfortably lays on top of Luffy, with his cheek, resting on Luffy's chest. Covering themselves with a blanket, as he can feel Luffy's thighs in his torso. Luffy's naked body feels really good to lay on. Luffy looked at him out of confusion, then a hand in his thighs, he felt Law's thumb rubbing in circles in the skin of his thighs.

Law was in his empty thoughts, thinking about his conversation. 'Fall in love.. make Mugiwara-ya.. fall in love..' Those words escape from his thought. He just felt it was very blank as his eyes looked at Luffy. Luffy looks back with a smile.

"Mugiwara-ya, do you.. like Eustass-ya?"

That question brought out of nowhere, Luffy stared back silently at Law. His lips won't move to say anything, "Jaggy is gentle, has a hot temper, playful sometimes, a joker and I can't say anything about him being my friend enough. However.. That question.. what makes you ask that question? If I say that I really "Like" Jaggy, will you care?" Luffy also asks a question, most the last question that made Law slightly clench his hand. It made him somewhat irritated by the last question.

"Will I care?.. You say.."

Law has nothing to say about that question, he felt very stupid for not answering it quite fast enough. Law was annoyed, that look of his, he was annoyed if Luffy did "Like" Eustass then he can't help but feel somewhat defeated and rejected at the same time, the feeling unwell in his thoughts and body about that spread.

"What if I turned that question around?"

He went on top of him and pinned Luffy to bed which made Luffy sweat slightly and look at Law, that cold-golden pretty eyes felt like piercing through him, it was very cold and Luffy can totally tell that Law did hate the question he gave.

"What question does Torao want to ask?"

Being pinned down at bed, and Law wasn't even the slightest bothered when Luffy is naked underneath him, he feels so much pleased to see his body naked under him, so weakly obeying what he commands.

"What about me? Do you like me?"

That made Luffy's eyes slightly widened at that question coming from Law himself, Luffy didn't know how he would correctly answer that. Law straightly look at him.

"If.. I answer.. will you.. do anything about it?"

"Just fucking answer, I want the answer right now. I'm asking if you fucking love me or not? I know that "Like" and "Love" are different. But the fact I want know if you fucking Love me instead of liking me."

That question, Luffy never thought that Law would ask this, "Love" and "Like". It was very surprising, the gripped got tighter on his wrist. Law was getting impatient.

"If.. I like Penguin more than you, will you complain? I'm not saying that "I" like Penguin, I'm saying and asking that "If" I did like Penguin, will you complain? I'm just asking a question, I'm not yet confessing, Torao."

That made Law's eyes widened, 'Penguin..?' that thought of his. Asking himself why was Penguin involved in his question, why was Penguin involved? 'Did he and Mugiwara-ya have a relationship before?.. No, I haven't heard Penguin told me that he "Like" him. Is he hiding something from me?' Full questions in his head, right now, he wants to answer Luffy.

Is Penguin what Luffy wants?


"Of course I will complain. In fact, I will be disappointed."

𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈~ 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑴𝒆 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓~Where stories live. Discover now