The sensation of walking, despite the circumstances, was oddly liberating, but my legs felt like jelly with every step. It was the first time in what felt like weeks, gauging by the countless feedings of the unappetizing goop I had stood upright. I fought to maintain a facade of composure, suppressing the fear that threatened to take over. However, I couldn't conceal the trembling in his legs as my group was led down a dimly lit corridor and ushered into an empty room.

Upon their arrival, everything not permanently attached to my body was forcefully removed. Which was nothing aside from the cuff's they had put o me to escort my group here. The room's walls were soon engulfed in a strange, foamy substance that descended from all sides, creating an environment that bore a disconcerting resemblance to being caught in a carwash. 

To my left, another bizarre creature, resembling an aquatic species with fish-like features, while still being completely dissimilar to his cage mate seemed to plunge into a harrowing state of distress. It let out anguished wails and groans, its spikes along its back flattening and extending like quills of desperation as it scratched and clawed at the chamber's walls in a frantic attempt to escape the relentless deluge of foam.

While part of me understood that witnessing such an array of strange creatures in close proximity should have been unsettling, I found myself too overwhelmed by fear to muster any other emotion. The foam continued to inundate the group, invading my eyes, mouth, and nose until I felt as if I was choking on the bizarre substance. The sheer volume of it made me feel as if I was drowning, and I struggled to remain upright, fighting the urge to collapse onto my knees.

As the foam stung and burned my eyes, I resorted to frantic rubbing and pressing in a desperate bid to alleviate the discomfort. Anything to make the unbearable sensation stop. In that agonizing moment, as the overwhelming foam encased the room and all its occupants, I couldn't shake the feeling that this might truly be how I would meet my end—suffocating in a room surrounded by strangers, in a place I did not recognize, an eerie sense of powerlessness overshadowing my every thought.

Just as I was on the brink of believing I couldn't endure another moment of the foam's torment, it suddenly vanished, almost as if it had been a figment of my imagination all along. I watched in astonishment as the foam dissipated into thin air, leaving behind no trace of its bizarre presence.

The burning in my eyes and nose gradually subsided, replaced by a sense of relief and clarity. It slowly dawned on me that, despite the peculiar and disorienting experience, I felt remarkably clean. The transformation was nothing short of miraculous. The pervasive odor of waste and the cloying grime that had clung to my skin for weeks now was gone, as if they had been whisked away by some otherworldly force. I inhaled deeply, savoring the clean, untainted air that now filled my lungs.

And it wasn't just the smell; the physical changes were equally astonishing. My teeth felt freshly brushed and the thick, oppressive oil that had weighed down my hair had vanished, leaving it light and soft. My haphazard curls seemed slightly longer and fuller than they had been when I had been taken and felt almost like full coils atop my head. It was if I had just stepped out of a professional salon after a fresh blow-dry. I marveled at the extraordinary transformation, unable to comprehend the inexplicable changes that had overtaken me. 

Moments of bliss quickly gave way to confusion and vulnerability as I found myself ushered out of the foaming room, completely naked and disoriented. The Bantys, with their relentless prods, forcibly separated me from the strange assembly of creatures I had come in with.

I felt scared being singled out from the herd, but realized quickly this wasn't a place where there was safety in numbers as I watched the whole group be torn apart. In my perplexed state, I was led in an entirely different direction by force, hot prods only a second away if I faltered even a step. The path ahead offered no solace, only another cage that, while tall enough for me to stand in, was not designed for comfort. The absence of the bucket in this new confinement led me to believe I wouldn't be subject to it for very long, but the anticipation of what lay ahead left me anxious and fearful.

The Banty's, unrelenting in their cruel efficiency, subjected me to the painful stings of their cattle prod then, chirping and yipping in what felt like excitement as they did so. I was brought down to my knees hard, submission enforced by the electric jolts coursing through body so agressively I felt nothing else. With a harsh abruptness, the Banty's jerked my head up and my arms out, replacing the clunky old iron cuffs and collar they had taken off before my shower with a gaudy gold matching set, adorned with large quarter-sized rubies that cascaded like a waterfall, across my collar and down my chest and back.

A sheer cloth, barely reaching my upper thigh and adorned with more rubies, was tied around my waist. It did little to conceal my privates, and the sensation of the Banty's hands on my body was repulsive. However, there was little I could do, the cattle prod left me completely powerless. I was unceremoniously deposited into my new cage, where a heavy red cover was dropped over me, obscuring my vision from the outside world. Silence enveloped me as the sound of the Banty's chirps faded away, leaving me completely isolated in this strange and nightmarish reality, my fate felt uncertain and my mind was racing with thoughts of what awaited me on the other side of this covered cage.

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