You could feel the van start up as he began driving you to your next stop on the map to look for you beloved lost treasure leaving you to dream until the next morning. The next morning, you woke up to find yourself parked in front of a small bookstore. You rubbed your eyes, wondering if it had all been a dream, but then you saw Mr. Meeseeks sitting in the driver's seat, looking at you expectantly.

"Good morning!" he said cheerily. "I'm Mr. Meeseeks look at me! We're here! This is the bookstore you wanted to check out. Let's go inside and find your book!"

You blinked, still feeling a bit dazed, but then you realized that this was really happening. You felt a surge of gratitude towards the strange creature sitting next to you, who seemed to genuinely want to help you.

"Right," you said, shaking off your sleepiness. "Let's do it!"

You got out of the van and followed Mr. Meeseeks inside the bookstore. The shelves were packed with books, and the smell of paper and ink filled the air. You felt a thrill of excitement as you walked up and down the aisles, searching for the 1st Polish edition of The Little Prince.

As you were searching, Mr. Meeseeks floated around, using his long arms to reach for books on high shelves and asking the store clerk if they had any rare editions of The Little Prince. You were impressed by how resourceful he was, and grateful for his help. You both scanned every shelf diligently, you had more hope this time then you'd had in what felt like a long time. Soon the sun rose and fell all the same but neither of you had any luck finding the book much to your dismay.

As the older man who owned the store closed up shop for the day you sat defeatedly on the sidewalk watching the sun fall over the mountains in the distance, was this all just a lost cause? Mr. Meeseeks floated over to you, his expression sympathetic.

"I'm sorry we didn't find it," he said, his high-pitched voice filled with genuine regret. "But don't worry, we'll keep looking. We'll find it eventually." You looked up at him, feeling a pang of gratitude for his optimism. "Thank you," you said softly.

"I really appreciate all your help." You say, a sad sweet smile playing on your lips. Mr. Meeseeks smiled, his blue face lighting up with happiness. "That's what I'm here for!" he said cheerfully. "To help you find what you're looking for. We'll find that book, I promise.I'm Mr. Meeseeks look at me!" That's when you hear your stomach growl making you realize you'd skipped breakfast for your search with Mr. Meeseeks

"Do you guys get hungry?" You ask the Meeseeks. Mr. Meeseeks nodded his head. "Of course we do! Even though we're not human, we still have needs like food and rest." he said. You rubbed your stomach and smiled sheepishly, feeling a little embarrassed that you had forgotten to eat.

"Do you know of any good places around here to grab a bite to eat?" you asked Mr. Meeseeks. "Absolutely!" he replied, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "There's a great little café just a few blocks away from here. They serve the best pancakes in town. Would you like me to lead the way?"You nodded eagerly, grateful for his help once again. You both got up from the sidewalk and started walking towards the café, with Mr. Meeseeks floating alongside you. As you walked, you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and safety with him by your side. He had become more than just a helpful companion on your quest for the book - he had become a friend. Feeling a new since of comfort and boldness your hand slips into his mitten causing him to look at you with some surprise but its replaced by a beaming smile. You smiled back at Mr. Meeseeks, feeling grateful for his warm, friendly demeanor. Walking together, you chatted about the things you both enjoyed and discovered you had a lot in common. It was nice to have someone to talk to who understood your love of books and adventure.

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