Chapter 5: Hearing

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This isn't good, not good at all

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This isn't good, not good at all.' Ellie thinks while she looks for Uhura, a Academy Hearing called just the day after Jim's test and that can't be a coincidence. "Ellie." She spots her best friend waving her over, it reminds her of them on the shuttle after the bar fight three years ago. Ellie made her way through the aisle and taking her seat next to Uhura, "What do you think this is about?" Uhura asks though she has an idea of what it is, "Jim." Ellara says with worry.

Uhura may never understand what her best friend sees in this guy 'There has to be something to gain Ellara's affection though, I'm just not seeing it yet.'. Just as she was going to say something to try and comfort her the Hearing is starting.

James T. Kirk. Step forward.

It's a huge Starfleet chamber. Golden Gate Bridge visible through huge windows. 500 cadets, a nervous KIRK among them. He stands, moves to one of two PODIUMS.

An incident has occurred today that
concerns the entire student body.
Academic immorality by one is an assault on us all. It will. Not. Stand. Cadet Kirk, evidence has been submitted to this council suggesting you violated the ethical code of conduct pursuant to regulation 17.43 of the Starfleet code. Is there anything you care to say before we begin?

Yessir.(uncomfortable beat) I believe I have the right to face my accuser directly.

President nods toward the assembly.A Vulcan in a grey Starfleet uniform stands up, walking to the podium with his hands clasped behind his back. Once there he turns his head to look at Jim, knowing him for some time you're able to see his emotions 'Sort of.' Ellie thinks she sees a slight smugness. SPOCK RISES. He and Kirk MEET EYES for the first time. It's clock-stopping.

Step forward please. This is Commander Spock, one of our most distinguished graduates. He's programmed the Kobayashi
Maru test for the last four years.

Spock steps up to the OTHER PODIUM. President nods,

Cadet Kirk. It is obvious you somehow
managed to install and activate a sub-
routine in the programming code, thereby changing the conditions of the test.

We happen to find GAILA, in the crowd, fucking pissed.

Your point being?

In academic vernacular, you cheated.

Respectfully. Define "cheating".

To deceive by trickery.

Now let me ask you something I think we all know the answer to: the test is
rigged, isn't it? You programmed it to
be unwinnable.

Mr. Kirk, I don't see how the intent of
the exam is relevant to these proceedings.

Because if I'm right, Sir, then the test
itself is a cheat.

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