He laughed, dodging a smack to the head, "Hey! It's a fun name!"

Katherine frowned, "Not my favorite title, but in the 16th century, it just stuck. Why couldn't they keep calling me Thoth or some other cool name?"

Jack chuckled, "You know, I always imagined Mother Goose to be some old, wrinkly lady who flew around on a giant goose or something."

Katherine's expression fell for a brief moment, "Yeah... the goose..."

Jack noticed her discomfort and realized it wasn't a subject they should talk about... yet... and changed the subject... again... 

"I get the Guardians and their little gimmicks of attracting the kids, but what about you?"

Katherine pulled out her book, revealing the worn state of its cover, before opening it, "Even if children see me, they won't always realize it's me. To be honest, few children truly believe in me, but every time they enjoy a story, I am there. Their belief in me is the belief in stories. I protect the stories they share."

Jackk looked down at the worn pages and the ancient script that was scrawled across them, "Then what does the Moon expect of me?" he looked at his staff and then back at the book, "I have no clue how I'd fit as one of you guys."

Katherine closed the tome, giving Jack a sympathetic smile, "Jack, it's not about fitting in. Each of us embodies a part of what makes childhood," she strode over to a nearby shelf, reaching for something, "If the Man in the Moon chose you, it must mean you possess an aspect that is very special."

Jack stared wordlessly at her as she held out a Russian nesting doll that seemed to be designed after North, "What is this?"

"North came up with this analogy when the five of us were first brought together," Katherine explained, thinking fondly of the early days of her Guardianship, "You see the outer surface of the doll as you may usually see him," she handed him the doll, "Large and intimidating; but if you know him, you realize he's a very positive minded person."

"I actually noticed," Jack realized as he removed the doll's many layers.

"He really kept us going when times got hard," Katherine admitted, "Now look at the centermost doll."

Jack slid the last doll into his hand, "...There's a tiny wooden baby with big eyes..."

"Eyes full of wonder," Katherine whispered confidently, causing Jack's eyes to grow as wide as the doll's, "That is his center, Jack," she motioned around the room, bringing attention to all the prototypes and designs North was currently working on, "His innermost being is seeing the wonder of everything around him! To possess the wonder only a child can feel when looking at the world!" she opened the door to the office, showing him the many treasures of North's workshop, "It is this wonder that gave us Santa Claus and the inexplainable feelings around Christmas! It is what he protects in the children and what makes him a Guardian!"

Seeing Katherine speak so animatedly, Jack felt a heavy throb in his chest. Not wholly unpleasant, but very heavy. He suddenly saw every detail of her being, the slight displacement of hair as she moved, the warmth of her smile, the soft cloudiness of her eyes.

He was starstruck.

Katherine calmed herself, smoothing back her hair, and placed a hand on her chest, "My center is storytelling. I encompass the imagination and all the hopes, dreams, memories, and wonder in the written world," the sudden radiance and confidence exuding from her drove Jack breathless as she spoke, "That feeling they feel when they read or hear a new story, the source of their imagination growing and empowering them. That is what makes me Guardian, Jack," she held out a hand, offering him to join her, "What about you? What's your center?"

It almost felt like torture, pulling himself from the spell he was under, but Jack forced himself to answer honestly, "I-I don't know... I'm still not sure if..." 

Katherine placed a finger to his lips, "It's okay. You don't have to think too hard about it right now. I think the Moon would want you to accept willingly when you are ready. If you wish to refuse, I'll support you. The others may not agree, but I'll convince them somehow. Besides," she stepped back, flexing a skinny arm, "I'm sure I'm strong enough to handle everything with Pitch."

Jack smirked mockingly at her, "What? And let you have all the glory?"

She jokingly shooed at him dismissively, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

"In that case, I'd better prank you more often," Jack playfully threatened.

Katherine's eye squinted in amusement as she caught him in her rhyme, "All play and no work makes Jack a mere toy!"

Realizing he'd walked into her trap, Jack groaned in mental agony, "I hate you..."

"No, you love me!"


They were interrupted by the sound of running footsteps as Aster and Sandy ran up to them.

The Easter Bunny looked grim as he looked at Katherine, "We have a problem, love. Trouble at the Tooth Palace."


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