Chapter Thirty

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Yusuke slammed his book shut. "I'm bored. I've read all the assignments and have my essays up to date. I'm going down to Ken No Ie and get drunk," and with that he folded out, right from the juku.

Hermione sighed. "I knew it was a bad idea for him to get a pass on all his classes. When he's bored, he's dangerous."

Neville promptly announced, "And he's not otherwise? Seriously?"

"True." Hermione went back to her studies.

Neville pushed his work aside and started in on the pile of reports from his various supervisors. Since he'd taken over running the greenhouses, Augusta had begun sending him reports on various other of the Longbottom enterprises. He was inundated with words. He grimly set about wading through them.


Yusuke folded into the entryway and announced, "Tadaima! Nanika atta?"

There was the usual scramble to get him out of his robes and into something more comfortable, in this case a yukata made of wool, lined with cotton.

"Shai." Yusuke ambled into the back and up the back stairs to his rooms. He grumbled all the way.

Remus stuck his head out of the library and exclaimed, "Nani? What are you doing here?" He flushed a bit then continued, "Not that ... well, it's your house after all. But shouldn't you be at Hogwarts?"

"I should, but when have you known me to do what I should when I want to do something else?"

Sirius drawled from behind him, "When your father says."

"True." Yusuke followed Remus into the library when he motioned to him, Sirius on his heels.

"Ok. What about the Tri-Wizard? What do you intend?" Sirius settled in the desk side chair, leaving the chair behind it to Yusuke. Remus lounged in the chair on the other side of the desk.

Yusuke frowned. "I'm not sure. I'm still waiting for advice from Father," he shrugged in a rather elegant fashion. "I'm inclined to ignore it. Not put my name in. I really don't believe it's fair to the other students to do so. If my name should happen to come out of the goblet ... well, someone will get something they're fond of cut off."

Sirius nodded. "That would be my advice. We'll wait and see what your old man says."

Remus agreed, "Yes. My advice is the same. Someone has to come after you, sooner or later. I'd prefer later, but we'll prepare for sooner."

Yusuke smirked, "Ministry can't come after me. Fudge signed that contract on behalf of the Ministry, and anyone who makes a move on me will be in violation of that contract and suffer for it. Not sure how. Don't care either. Smoke?"

They settled in to smoke and visit. A Waka brought snacks and tea; he arranged everything to his satisfaction, then bowed his way out.

After a few sips of tea, Remus offered, "A letter should be coming soon, I'd think."

Yusuke nodded, puffed for a moment then said, "I was expecting a letter yesterday or the day before. It usually doesn't take this long. Why don't you see if someone has messed with my postbox?"

Remus nodded, "Think I'll just do that. Back in a flash." He stood up and folded from where he stood.


Remus appeared in Yusuke's room, checked his postbox, realized that everything that entered the box was rerouted somewhere else. He wondered why Yusuke didn't notice it, then realized that most of his training was in combat and assassination; he also knew a lot about wards and shields. Why should he also know anything about the spells and charms on a postbox? The only reason he, Remus, knew anything was because he was interested in such things. He was in charge of mail because of his knowledge.

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