Legolas approached his father again, with Eliniel by his side. Gandalf took a step back, allowing Legolas to talk to Thranduil privately and made himself unseen in a discreet manner with knowing eyes. 

Eliniel bowed her head a little before Thranduil in respect, saying 'my lord' and did the same while glancing at Tauriel, saying 'my lady'. Tauriel smiled at her warmly. 

Legolas placed his hand on the head of his little brother with an endeared smile. Amrod had more of Thranduil's features than Tauriel's, already having soft silver hair on his head and big, blue eyes. He was staring at Legolas with interest and a smile on his little face, extending his hand towards him. 

'He already likes you.', Thranduil said softly.

'And I adore him', Legolas replied.

'Do you want to hold him?', Tauriel asked with a smile.

Legolas looked surprised for only a moment, then replied: 

'Of course.'

Thranduil passed him the baby with care and Legolas took him in his arms, with Eliniel standing by his side and looking with a smile.

'When is your wedding due?', Tauriel asked Eliniel.

'Oh...uhm', Eliniel replied, glancing at Legolas. 'We have not established the date yet. We are unsure if we want a formal ceremony with guests or just a quiet vow between us.'

'After all', Legolas said, while rocking Amrod with care and looking at Tauriel and his father, 'you two didn't have one either. A formal wedding.'

'Don't be silly.', Tauriel replied. 'We were at war. It was not the right time. But now there's no reason why you shouldn't have a formal wedding ceremony.'

'Tauriel is right, but still... it is your choice.', Thranduil spoke softly, looking from Legolas to Eliniel. 

'We will see how we feel about it.', Eliniel said with a smile, glancing towards Legolas then looking back at Thranduil. 'In any case, if we decide to have a ceremony, you will surely be invited.'

'It would be my greatest pleasure to come.', Thranduil replied with a smile. 

Amrod started to become restless in Legolas' arms and to become vocal. 

'Oh...let me have him.', Tauriel said and Legolas passed her the baby with care.

She looked her her son with great love and Amrod became still and quiet. Tauriel's long, red locks were falling beautifully upon her shoulders and, in every way, she looked like the fair warrior of old but there was something else - a nurturing energy of motherhood that suited her so well and, in a way, completed her beauty. Thranduil drew close to her, putting his hand on the child and softly caressing the silk as they both looked at their son. It was a wonderful picture of them, like a painting suspended in time, beautiful to behold.

Legolas looked at them for a few moments, not knowing that he held a warm smile on his lips, when he heard Gimli's loud voice and turned.

'Legolas, look who's here!'

Legolas turned to see Mr. Frodo, helped by an elf, walking slowly toward Gimli. He walked to the two of them and Eliniel followed.

'Good to see you made it.', Legolas said with a kind smile, looking upon the old hobbit.

'I couldn't miss such an important occasion.', Frodo replied with a rusty voice and a bittersweet smile that still reminded of the old days of grief. 

His face was wrinkled and his body was bent but his eyes still held their blue spark behind them, as if his soul was as strong as ever. 

'Mr. Frodo, allow me to introduce you to my betrothed, Eliniel.', Legolas spoke, looking with kindness at the hobbit.

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