I'm Real

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(Helen's POV)

I woke up from a nap on the couch and saw that someone put a blanket over me. The T.V. was turned off and I saw a few granola bars and a banana on the coffee table in here. My stomach growled for anything, so I sat up and ate the food that was left out for me. When I finished the snacks, I still wanted more, but this should hold me over for a bit. I looked for a clock and when I found one, it was almost 7 PM then I heard something behind me. I turned to see nothing, but I had a good idea who it was.

Helen-(Y/N), is that you?... Are you still mad at me from before?

I saw him slowly poke his head out from the counter in the kitchen that you could see from the living room. He come out and looked shy about it. It's clear that he gave me the blanket and food, but then I thought about something.

Helen-Is your daddy home, yet?

(Y/N)-... Hey Alexa, play my recent message!

I was confused, but then a speaker started to talk which was almost like what we have back in... my world. Soon, a message started to play.

???-Hey sport, *hic* the workers had the next week off and I forgot to hire temps. My friends and I made plans and that *hic* me-means the house is all yours!

My mouth opened a little when I heard that. The message was not even done, yet.

???-Just order food, and make sure the system stays armed until I get home tomorrow night!

Man-Sir, you're at your limit. I'm gonna have to cut you off.

???-Bullshit, this is my second glass!

Man-You have 6 other cups.



You could hear him fighting and struggling until the message ended. I noticed (Y/N) inching back to his hiding spot. I didn't want him to be scared of me, so I walked around the couch and bent down to his level.

Helen-Thank you for the blanket and food. That was very sweet of you.

(Y/N)-... Yo-You're welcome.

Helen-I know I said this, but I really am sorry that I yelled at you. It wasn't fair.

He stayed in his place and I heard his belly growl from over here. Seeing as his dad won't be here and questioning if he can even cook...

Helen-How about some real food? I can make something.

He only nodded his head, so I walked past him into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I expected lots of frozen and premade dinners with very few ingredients, but there was so much to coo with and at best 3 boxes of frozen food in this huge fridge.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Helen went into the fridge that only our chef opens, but he won't be here for a week. She thought about something for a bit before she took out a few things. I just let my body move on its own and go behind the counter to go to my room. What she said when she tried to apologize to me the first time made me feel bad. I don't know how the real her got here and she was in my room the night before when I almost watched her movie... I wondered if it was my fault this happened to her. I made it to my room, but it was hard to stay inside here with what happened, so I went to one of the guest bedrooms. Each of them had a queen bed and a 70-inch T.V. with a dresser. Almost like my room, but I have decorations, like mats, a computer, and curtains that I like. I kept on walking until I made it to the private gym and just sat on one of the benches after I turned the lights on.

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