Chapter 2

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Sweat was dripping from every square inch of my body by the time we had finished the match, Mabel and Kelce were a good team and were tough but Rafe and I still managed to kick their asses. I was currently trying to regulate my breathing again, sipping on my water bottle now and then to cool myself down, Mabel copied my actions beside me.

"Oh my gosh, I haven't played like that, in ages" Mabel breathed out between gulping her water completely out of breath from the heated tournament we just had. "You were amazing" She now compliments me and all I could muster up was a smile to say 'thank you', I couldn't tell who was breathing heavier right now.

Kelce and Rafe were on the opposite side of the court as that's where they left their drinks and face towels. Yes, face towels. We had a half time and Kelce ran to get face towels for all of us cause of our sweatiness.

I take a glance towards Kelce and Rafe noticing they were chatting away but I was too far away to hear their conversation that I so desperately wanted to know about.

"You still have a crush on him, don't you?" Mabel's voice grabbed my attention making me now turn to look at her, I throw her a confused look wanting to know how she knew about my crush on Rafe, I've never told anyone. The confusion on my face makes her elaborate herself to me. "Bec, everyone knew you fancied Rafe from the moment you set your 13 year old eyes on him at the Midsummers party that year"

My face now heats up and I go red as a beetroot being caught out, I never knew people caught on to it. Oh god I hope Rafe doesn't know. Wait I hope Topper doesn't know. "Who else knows?" I question her instead of denying it, which also clarifies that she's actually right about this.

"Just me and Jackie, don't worry your brother doesn't know and neither does Rafe" Mabel now explains to me and I let out a relieved sigh to this because that's one thing I don't want out there. Let's just hope my best friends can keep my secret.

"Okay good, the last thing I need is Topper finding that out. He'd kill me" I tell her without even noticing Kelce and Rafe were now stood behind me and had heard the last thing I said.

"Wait you know Topper?" Rafe was the first to speak up and question me which makes me quickly spin on my heel to come face to face with him and my eyes go wide like I was a deer caught in headlights. "And what are you keeping from him that he'd kill you over huh?" Rafe just kept bombarding me with the questions whilst all Kelce did was just stand there with a bewildered look on his face, like he was trying to figure something out.

I didn't exactly want to tell Rafe Cameron that I was a Thornton, or the fact that Topper would kill me because my secret is that I have the fattest crush on his best friend stood in front of me right now

"umm... I-I-I.... ummm" I stutter out not being able to think of something fast enough off the top of my head to tell him.

"Wait, your his little sister, aren't you?!" Kelce now exclaims clicking his finger as he'd figured out what he was thinking and I hated that he actually got it right too, making me close my eyes and huff out in annoyance, which again clarifies that he was right. Jesus why can I never lie to people? "I knew he had a younger sister but I always thought you were much younger?" Kelce questions me and himself at the same time.

"Yep you got me. I am Topper's younger sister by 1 year exactly. We're not exactly close which is why people don't really know unless we tell them" I finally explain myself to them and I take a glance to Mabel who is silent beside me, she just half smiles at me like she felt bad for me right now. I feel bad for me right now, who would want to be siblings with Topper really?

Rafe and Kelce now go silent whilst just looking me up and down and I suddenly start to feel insecure just wishing I was prettier and skinnier now. Rafe's eyes land on mine and he smirks at me "I do remember you actually. Midsummers 3 years ago. You looked so young and you wouldn't leave Topper's side because you didn't know anyone and wanted to stay with him and his friends" Rafe now brings up the past and I cringe at his words because unfortunately it was true, it was also the night I met Mabel and Jackie after Topper ditched me.

"Yeah that was me" I admit and awkwardly laugh at my stupid, insecure, pathetic younger self. I start to pack my tennis racket away hoping this would hint to the three people stood here with me right now that I was wanting to leave now the tension had gotten so awkward.

As I turn my head to Mabel to say bye to her Rafe cut me off before I could do so saying something leaving me in disbelief and shock. "You grew up gorgeous" Was all he said before walking off with Kelce and whilst walking away from me he turned his head one last time towards me smirking at me.

I waited until the boys were out of sight before I turned to Mabel and we squealed together at the same time. "He's so into you!" Mabel screams out at me and I now had to quickly shush her before anyone else heard us.

"I wish! It's never gonna happen anyway, he's Topper's best friend" I whisper yell at her, not wanting to be so loud about this now.

"Speaking of" Mabel says and this makes me confused but when I look towards where her eyesight was I realised I had finally done something bad without realising it. Topper and my dad were now walking in my direction and they both looked pissed as hell.

The bad thing I had done was miss dinner, I checked my watch which now read 6:45pm. I had missed dinner for over an hour and 15 minutes. Crap.

"Crap. I'll message you tomorrow and don't tell anyone about this tonight" I whisper to Mabel and when she nods her head at me in agreement I finally take off running towards my dad and Topper ready for a stern talking to.

Here goes nothing.

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