L Lawliet

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I had to write this one, I love L so much, god I mean look at that majestic creature! well anyway, on to the story! BTW I am gonna do this story a bit different, instead of writing it in your point of view, I am gonna write in first person, hope there is no problem with that! OK now really on the chapter!(:


I'm a member of the task force, but ever since L accused me of being kira, I haven't been able to get much work done. L handcuffed me and him together, like he did with Light. I must say it gets a bit annoying ,but also kind of nice. I like spending time with L, he is a great person under the part of him that hides all of his emotions.

Seeing as we are handcuffed 24/7, I can tell that he acts differently at times. Right now me and him are in my apartment, there are no cameras that I know of in here. I have been cleared enough to where L and I can be alone without cameras.

"(y/n)?"I looked over at him,"yes?" I said turning my body to face him. "please be honest with me, are you Kira?" he asked. I scooted my body closer to him, we were inches apart,"If I was Kira, what would you do? if I was Kira what would I say? I'm not Kira ,because me and you both know who is." I said seriously.

"To answer your question, you do act differently then Kira would. Also if you were Kira, that would cause quite a lot of trouble for me." he said putting his thumb on his lip. "And why is that?" I asked unknowingly.

"Because, first of all I couldn't turn you in, I wouldn't have the mental strength to know you are Kira. Second ,if you were in fact Kira, then I couldn't feel this way about you." he said looking into my eyes.

"And what way is that?" I asked sarcastically, suddenly L grabbed my face, holding it in his hands as he brought my lips into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen it. After a moment , I had to break away to breath,"Like that," L said, placing a hand on my waste, slightly lifting the hem of my shirt.

"L ,I feel the same, but its obvious you have never done this before. Are you sure you want me to be your first?" I asked a bit worried. L kissed my cheek,"(y/n)," he kissed my other cheek,"there is nobody else in the world I would rather be with," He kissed my lips,"than you,"

I smile at him, and stand up, pulling him up with me and intertwining my fingers with his,"come with me," I said leading him to my bedroom. We walk inside, I close and lock the door behind me.

L smiles seductively at me, then pulls my shirt over my head, once it was off, I do the same with him. I couldn't help but stare at his well toned chest, I ran my fingers across his milky white skin, I heard him chuckle,"Like what you see?" he smiles at me. I just looked at his eyes, and held him in my arms before ,pushing him down on the bed softly and getting on top of him.

He pulls my shorts and underwear off together, as I pull his pants and boxers down, letting his huge erection show. I smiled and got on top of him engulfing his erection whole, I heard a loud gasp and moan from L, as I started to ride him. As I quickened my pace , L gyrated his hips in perfect sync with mine, making both of us a moaning mess.

After a few more movements, L reached his peak, I was close, I moved a couple more times, and I was there. I moaned L's name as I came, then fell next to him on the bed, resting my head on his chest, trying to slow my breathing.

"(y/n), I have something to tell you ,well more than one thing." L said as he put and arm around my shoulder. "spill it, its ok ,go ahead and tell me whatever you want." I smiled up at him, but his expression was serious,"(y/n), first off I wanted to tell you that I love you, I have ever since you joined the task force. You think the same way I do, you are smart, and beautiful. I don't know what I would do without you." I kissed his chest ,"I love you to L, but what was the other thing you needed to tell me?" I asked unknowingly.

"(y/n), I am so sorry for accusing you of being Kira, I knew you weren't ,I never thought you were. But for my own selfish reasons I accused you of being Kira so that I could be with you, I am so sorry." he said kissing my forehead.

"Its OK L, I'm glad you did. If you hadn't ,we never would have been together," I said. "in fact can we keep it a secret that you know I am not Kira ,I really don't want to leave your side." I said ,holding L's hand.

"Sure, I love you." he chuckled ,and kissed the top of my head, "love you to." I said as I drifted of to sleep.


hope you liked it!! I am sorry it wasn't very long, but I'm tired and I really wanted to write, anyway see you in the next chapter!(:

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