Gray Fullbuster

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First chapter, don't judge (: I hope you like it , btw ,this chapter obviously has lemony content in it ,so had it in the title...yup...*whistling*....ok I'm just gonna get on with the chapter now.(:
Hair: long curly brown
Eyes: green
Magic: God-slayer

You and Gray had just finished a job, and where back in town exhausted. Gray was walking you home,"You know, that was ,really amazing (y/n), what you did back there."Gray said putting a hand on your shoulder.

*flash back*

You where fighting a dark guild master named Jehul, and where loosing, badly. "Ice - make lance!!!" Gray attacked him. The evil man blocked it with one hand, and smiled devilishly.

You tried to get up but you were almost completely out of magic power, barely move due to injuries you received. Grey was in front of you trying to protect you, he had barely any magic power left.

Jehul through an immense amount of force onto Gray pushing him backwards, he fell to the ground, and was knocked out. Seeing this you felt incredibly angered. You pushed yourself up with the little energy you had left, " you're going to wish you hadn't done that!" you said glaring at the man.

Suddenly you felt a rush of energy run through your body," God Slayer magic special art!!" you said getting into a stance. Gray saw you through a half lidded eye," no! don't do it! you wont survive!!" he screamed reaching a hand out to you.

You smiled back at him softly," I know Gray, but it is worth it to know that you will live on with my memory. please tell everyone at Fairy Tail I love them. And Gray ,please remember how much I love you." a tear ran down your cheek.

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