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Raja Hari Singh Rajawat had two sons and two daughters. His eldest son, Suryaveer whom he fondly used to call Veer was most pampered among all of them, he was his father's lifeline.

Veer had fallen in love with a beautiful orphan girl Gauri, during his college. When he came back home after finishing studies, he told his father about Gauri and his wish to marry her. King enquired about Gauri and came to know that the girl was not from any royal family and top of that was an orphan. After knowing this, King refused to accept Gauri in his family and strictly warned his son to break relationship with her and forget her. Veer became furious after this. He tried his best to convince his father but when he realised that king was not going to change his decision, he became rebel and left his home forever.

King could not digest it as he used to love Veer the most and he never thought that Veer can leave him. He held Gauri responsible for this and decided to meet her. He got all information about Gauri and went to meet her. It was the same day when his son was going to marry her.

Veer was not at home. He was at temple doing arrangements for wedding and Gauri was getting ready at home. King went home and met Gauri. She was surprised to see King there and thought he came to give blessings to them as Veer had told her that his father can't be angry with him for so long and will soon accept them and their relationship wholeheartedly. Gauri became so happy and went to touch his feet but her happiness soon turned into despair.

King told her to go from Veer's life forever and never look back or else he will disown his own son from his family forever and will never see his face. Gauri became worried because she knew how much Veer used to love his father and how heartbroken he will be after knowing this. Gauri very well knew the importance of family being an orphan, she never wanted Veer to loose his family and that too because of her. So, she took a hard decision and decided to go away from Veer's life forever and left a letter for Veer, telling him that she was with him only because of his royal background and now since he had left his home, so she was not interested in marrying him anymore and going away from his life forever.

When Veer was waiting for her at the temple, one of his neighbour came and gave him an envelope. When Veer read the letter inside that envelope, he was devastated and got heartbroken after reading that. He could not handle that heartbreak and betrayal and became alcoholic to forget it.

Veer returned back to his home but his condition was worst. He used to be in drunk condition all the time and no one could see him sober even for a second. King became so worried to see him like that and he decided to get him married with some other girl. King thought when other girl will come into his life, he will forget Gauri and soon everything will be alright. So, within a month, he married Veer to one of his old friend's daughter in a full grand royal wedding.Veer had no idea of anything as he was completely wasted to understand what was happening in his life. Bride's family was over the moon to get marraige proposal from such big royal family and they didn't care about anything else.

King had thought that after marriage, Veer's condition will improve with love and care of his wife but opposite happened. After marriage, his condition became even worst and his wife used it to play victim card in Palace. She had neither love nor sympathy for Veer but she used him and his condition to gain as much sympathy and profit as possible. She very well knew Veer was king's weakness and she can get anything by using that.So she took full advantage of it and instead of helping Veer to become normal again, she tried her best to let him be like that. Apart from that, she planned to have a baby with him too, so that she can enjoy all the perks of being mother of royal heir and she became successful in her plan because soon she gave birth to a boy, named Maanveer Singh Rajawat. Her happiness knew no bounds as king gave her so many expensive gifts for giving birth to next royal heir and her value in palace increased multi folds.Veer was still recluse and isolated from all of these and used to just keep sitting in his room in dark all the time being drunk. He never even realised that he was a father now and his wife had already started filling poison in her son's ears against his father and grandfather. Maan had started hating them from tender age.

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