25- The Opening of Doors

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"Are you insane?" I question. "Do you know what will happen when they see the Banished Prince is standing by my side? Prince Ivan will kill me if he sees I'm allying with the brother he banished!"

"He's not going to kill you." 

"Are you trying to ruin your family's relationship with the Crown? The Crown Prince is insane! First she hires the Banished Prince and now they're standing together! What will your father say?" Sebastian tries to speak sense into Elric. 

"He has humiliated my sister during the Hunting Tournament. I think he gets a taste of what that feels like for once. No one can insult a Solon and get away with it. Besides, the King is allowing him to stay in the Capital. What's the worst that can happen when I am next to you?" Elric shrugs and looks out the window. 

I look at my brother, a true smile slowly rising up to my cheeks. I look down and nod my head, not wanting to make a big deal out of this. I reach forward and hold his arm. "Thank you for being with me. I must go now." 

I snap my fingers and transport to the conference room. I pause when I see most of the Masters have already arrived. I look around and spot Milo speaking with the new Battle Master. His face is red as he casually speaks with the Grand Sorcerer. By the uncomfortable look, red face and darting eyes, I believe it's an inappropriate story that shouldn't be told in public. 

The Master of Elemental Magic comes to me. He's young and also in control of a small department, two issues we both share. The others don't take us seriously because we are small and young, but we usually work together and often our research overlap. He excitedly tells me that he took me as inspiration, teaching a single class to boost his enrollment. 

I smile, happy to see he's excited about it. We fill our time talking about the upcoming school year and the new students that can join us. This 'meeting' isn't a meeting, it's just an excuse to rally all the Masters so that we arrive together and in sync. 

When we are all here, Master Ofran is the last one to arrive and tells Milo something. I watch as he clears his throat and calls for our attention. I turn my body to face him, listening to the empowering speech he yearly regurgitates. I can quote it by now. 

When he finishes, he asks if we have any questions and no one says a word. He nods and snaps his fingers. He transports all of us so that we are in a room that will open up the the main quad where the students are currently sitting and waiting for us. He decided to choose to be outside because the public can see the opening ceremony. He rashly changed his mind yesterday when the Prince suddenly joined our school. It's clear he wants to show him off. 

I look around and spot my brother and Sebastian. They're speaking with Kramer who is animately speaking with his hands. I walk forward and break up the conversation. I instruct my guests that they will be walking in after the staff who will be walking after us. I tell him how one by one, each department will walk. First the Master and their secretary, their teachers and valuable members. I usually have my entire department walk, and they will be joining them. 

They nod and I tell Kramer to quickly get them to their positions. I walk to my department and see that the other departments are blatantly staring at the Prince who looks awkward. I make my way to him and flash him a smile. 

"You aren't getting second thoughts, right?" I ask him, walking in front of him. He instantly shakes his head. 

"It's... just been a while since I've been in public." He whispers, almost guilty by the way his shoulders are slouched forwards. 

I bite my lip and smooth out my robe. "The last time the public saw me, they yelled that I was taking away their rights to magic. They don't like me, but yet here I am." I stand up straighter and force a smile. He copies me, standing tall and a close- lipped smile fits into his face. 

"Everything is ready, Master." Kramer comes next to me. I look to him and smile. 

"Thank you for everything. Without your help, I would undoubtfully go insane." I pat Kramer's arm and he stands up straight with praise. 

"I am at your service. You're not only my Master, but a friend." Kramer admits. I freeze and look at him. A true smile escapes my lips and I'm speechless. I reach out and touch his upper arm, showing him what his phrase meant to me. 

"Giselle," Milo sings as he stands in front of me. "You ready?" 

I nod my head. Since I am the Master of Ancient Magic, I am the first Master who will be walking down behind Milo, the Grand Sorcerer. He nods and looks forward, waving his hand and the doors open. 

The crowd in front of us was once loud but it seems to have deafen. There's a mage by the doorway, waiting a few seconds before instructing me to follow. I walk forward and my department and my brother walks behind me. 

We walk in the aisle, all of the students are gathered around me. There are whispers which are only natural. Once they see the Prince, the crowd's volume increases which calms my nerves. They aren't speaking of me. I quickly make my way to my designated seat and the rest of my department stands where they need to be. I don't sit yet, waiting for my cue. 

I stand next to Milo, and there are three people who stand behind me: Kramer, Elric and the Prince. I can hear the talk instantly as people point my way. I look to the stands where those who are not students watch the ceremony. They point in my direction, I can audibly hear my brother and the Prince's name being spoken. 

I ignore it all and watch as the other departments enter, the student crowd eagerly waving to the old teachers and apprehensively looking at who they will be under. Kramer stands by my side, updating me on any gossip that I have missed. It's not interesting gossip that can help me in any way, but he needs to be doing something even if it is just running his mouth. 

"People are excited that the Prince is going the Tower. They're expected that everyone will be trying to get into his class. Both of your classes are at maximum capacity, something that hasn't occurred in years." Kramer whispers. 

"How is everyone treating the Prince?" I ask, curious to know what my department thinks of their new member. 

"They all adore him." He says. "I just know our department will grow. We need more people." He flashes a smile and I smile when I see how excited he is. 

I look behind me, seeing the last department enter. I point behind me and the two men take the cue to go back to my department where they will need to be for the rest of the ceremony. The crowd quiets as Milo walks forward. 

He uses magic to amplify his voice so that it can reach the masses. He makes a speech, a different speech from last time, but it follows the same format. He says he's excited for the new year, he speaks of inclusivity and that intolerance will not be tolerated and that there are new ideas for the students. 

I look at him, wondering what new ideas he has planned. I bite my lip, wondering when I will know. He'll probably ask me of the opinion of it sooner rather than later. That isn't my worry as of now. I look at the crowd and see how they point in my direction. They point at the Prince, my brother and I. I stand tall and look forward, forcing a neutral face. 

Not Giving Into FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora