By then the elevator arrived and I pressed the number 14 and the elevator started moving ofcourse along with my father who continued to explain...

'Ofcourse me!!! For how long would I stay in that huge mansion all alone? No one to gossip, no one to bitch about you...And I am tired of eating Hariya's boring food.' he complained and I shot him a look

'Really dad? You need me to marry so you can gossip and bitch about me? Are Hariya uncle and his entire Vanar Sena's (Team of monkeys) not enough? Every other day I see you sitting with them in the garden gossiping about our new neighbours. I mean for god's sake Dad..' I complained and he pouted saying

'That Hariya is also in his sixties. He also has a hearing aid in his left ear. I ask him for tea, he brings ghee and his gang of men...they are all useless. We need someone to tame them all!!! And that's a woman!!! A perfect woman for this household!!!' and that's when the elevator door opened and I smiled saying

'Well then get married dad!!! Or maybe have a girlfriend!!! I'm extremely modern that way... I don't mind that so much!!!' I said earning a slap on the back of my head and I cried out a 'Ouchhh' when Saina my receptionist chuckled. I smiled and started walking towards my cabin.

'How about this Saina girl??? I think she's single!!! And I don't believe in religion,caste or creed. All I want is a daughter in law!!!' he said and I shot him a look saying

'Dad please!!!'

'Okay then how about Miraben Mavani's daughter. I heard she's a model!!!'

'Not interested Dad!!!'

'But she's pretty Sunny!!!'

'Dad please!!! You know I don't want to get married!!!' saying I walked into my cabin and kept the laptop on my table and sat on my chair and started looking into the project report.

'But why??? I don't understand your problem Sunny? Is this because of my relationship with your mother? Look Sunny just because our marriage didn't work out doesn't mean marriage in itself is bad!!! Your every friend is married. Some even have children. I feel lonely Sunny. I get worried as well. You have no one other than me. I know you weren't like this during your teen. What made you like this Sunny? Is there someone else?' and I froze.

Wish I could explain you dad but even I don't have an answer to that question.

Do I still have her? If so where is she? There have been times when I wanted to enquire about her but my past deeds don't let me even take a step in that direction. I don't know what this feeling is...

Guilt? Fear?

'Sunny if there is someone please tell me...I-'

'Dad!!! There's no one!!! It's...It's just that I'm not really ready to you know...marry someone! And arranged marriage...I..

I don't know Dad!!! It's scary!!!' I said and dad kept a hand on my shoulder saying

'Sunny who is asking you to marry someone immediately? Meet them...take some time to understand them and then take a call. You are one of the most eligible bachelors in our society. Just say yes Sunny and look for the list of women who'll be on their toes with their proposal for my perfect son!!!' he said and I shook my head.

'Sunny please say yes!!! I promise...I won't force you. But atleast meet the girls '

'Girlss??? As in plural???'

'Suryavanshi's Royal King is going to be married and the biggest of business personalities and celebrities would be attending the event.'

'Daddddd No ways!!! If you are planning to do that I'm not attending Adi's wedding!!!'

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