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You're Crazy

"Listen," She starts slowly, giving herself time to back out from what she's about to say. "We need to warn my Pops. And it isn't going anywhere, unless we give them a reason to. That means we need a..."

"Don't say it. You can just go for the phone, it's not that far and..."

"Aaron, you have no idea what we're dealing with, trust me. You can't outrun it!" Alice states, there's no time for a kind wrapped explanation as to what is happening or what that thing is, so she tries to tell him only the necessary to get him to trust her. "So, you'll run back to the locker room, get out there and very calmly you'll get up those bleachers and tell the Sheriff that it's here. They'll know what to do,"

Aaron looks terrified, and she can't really blame him. "So... I'll be the bait..."

"No, that will be me."

"But you just said we can't outrun it, Alice." He frowns. "You'll..."

Alice reaches towards her right boot as he watches in confusion, her hand wrapped around the handle of a dagger as their eyes meet now. "I know what I'm doing."

God, no she doesn't. She has absolutely no idea what she's doing. There's actually a high chance that she ends up getting herself killed, but Aaron is human, he doesn't deserve dying to something like this. Despite him being a massive asshole, even during their fourth grade, he's still someone's son... He's still someone. Somehow, the fact that she is a banshee and not a completely normal human being gives her a sense of sacrifice, as if she has to give herself up to protect the rest. She wonders if that's what her parents and their pack felt back then. Did Allison?

"Come on," Alice urges, getting up from the "safe" space behind the high table. Aaron follows her lead all the way to the door. She gives a quick look outside, no sign of the werewolf, but she knows he's definitely waiting for them somewhere. She turns back to look at Aaron one last time. "I'll distract him, count 'till five after you hear it."

"Hear what?"

"You'll know."

Alice's adrenaline gets her to the hallway, and just as she suspected there's it. Waiting right for her around the corner. The growl shakes the whole building, and she's sure that if it wasn't the loud lacrosse game, everyone would have been able to hear it as well. It doesn't give her a heads up, or time to run, it goes straight for her. And as she starts running down the hallway, a plan forms in her mind, but also a doubt.

Who is it really after?

A doubt that only grew with the idea of leaving Aaron behind. Because if the werewolf was after Aaron, why didn't he commit to the chase. If it really knew where they were, why didn't it attack? It was two teenagers clearly under preprared against a freaking Alpha, why is it hesitating?

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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