Chase left the room and I was alone now. I was sitting on my bed. I sight. I was thirsty so I went to the kitchen. I took a cup of water and my phone buzzed. It was Liz. The text message was short it said 'We are at Anna. It happened...'
Ohh I knew it. "Chase?" I heard footsteps. "Ma'am?" He looked confused. "I have to go to Anna. She broke up with her boyfriend." I said leaving the kitchen and going to my room. I wore black pants and left the hoodie on. I went to Chase and he gave me my jacket. I got into the car and gave him the address. We went there quickly. I saw Mollys car parking. I got out immediately and saw how Molly also got out.

"I knew it." She said grabbing a basket full of sweets. "Who didn't" I said and we chuckled. We knocked on the door. And Liz opened the door and said whispering 'I can't anymore'. We smiled. „I can hear you!" Anna screamed from inside. I looked behind Liz and saw how Anna was in front of her mini table sitting on the floor and not on the couch. She had tears in her eyes and her mascara wasn't on her lashes anymore it was all under her eyes. We talked with her how much of a red flag he was but she didn't listen. We got inside without greeting us she stormed to the door. I looked behind me and saw Chase standing next to the door.

„No boys allowed." she looked at him with anger. Chase didn't seem to care and got in as if Anna wasn't pushing him. „Well I am an man." he said closing the door. I couldn't help and chuckle. Anna went to her place as if she was defeated and sat on the floor once again. „He was so sweet I can't believe he would do such thing." she said again crying. Chase was leaning on the wall.

„We told you like how many times?" said Liz. „Twenty?" Molly said not sure. Someone entered the room „More like twenty thousand." Ashly said. Ash and Anna were living together. „Even his name was eww." Liz said with a disgusted face. We all chuckled and said „Daniel!" we started laughing except Anna. I even coughed Chase a bit smiling.

„I would get it if it was a Loreandro or Sandjego but dude he had the name of a nerd." Ash said. „Just because you like Italien man." I said laughing while the others agreed. „Daniels name was a issue yes but he looked good." Anna said as if it would make an difference. „Yeah so he cheated on you with that pretty face." Ashly said wich made Anna start crying again. Anna stoped crying after a phone started ringing. It was from Chase.

He answered the phone „Daniele?"

Anna made big eyes and got from her place before we could stop her. He got close to Chase. He looked confused to Anna. Annas mouth slowly opened and we all understood.

„Daniele, will call you later." Chase said and hung up the phone. Anna pushed Chase to the place where she was sitting originally. „Now speak. How do you know Daniele?" he still wasn't sure and looked at me. „I don't think the Daniele I know is yours, ma'am ." he said. „Than let's check." Molly said excited. „Describe him." he again looked at me and I nodded also wanting to know. „He is a bartender about 21." Chase said while we all made big eyes. „Oh my Gosh it's him!" Liz said.

The night moved on and it turned out that Chase knew him from the club and didn't know that he was such an ass. We badmouthed him all night and I was the only one that left. The others were gonna sleep at Anna and Ashly tonight.

We got into the car and I looked at Chase. „You look tired." I said chuckling. He glanced at me at looked back. „I learned tonight something." I was curious now. „What?"

He smirked. „Forget it."

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