Wooden board challenge

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At the park ...

Austin Modern : The first challenge is break the wooden board . If you can break it , you can go to the next challenge . If you don't ... You have to go through an extreme punishment .

Joshie : Are there any rules ?

Howie Roger Jones : You can only use karate chop .

Joshie : Sound easy .

Austin place the wooden board on top of the two bricks .

Marshall : Alright , Rocky go first !

Rocky : Oh hell no ...

Bob Cooper : !!!

Howie Roger Jones : Where did he learn to say that ?

Rocky slowly moving his paw on top of the board and use karate chop and he success to break it .

Rocky : Yes !

Austin Modern : Rocky passed the challenge !

Austin place another wooden board on top of the two bricks .

Marshall : Joshie , GOOOO !

Joshie slowly moving his hand on top of the board and use karate chop and he success to break it .

Marshall : Joshie success to break it !

Austin place another wooden board on top of the two bricks . Everest slowly moving her paw on top of the board and use karate chop and he success to break it .

Marshall : Everest success to break it !

Austin place another wooden board on top of the two bricks . Zuma slowly moving his paw on top of the board and use karate chop and he success to break it .

Marshall : Zuma success to break it !

Austin place another wooden board on top of the two bricks .

Moby : I'm going to use my paw fist .

Eric Jordan : This challenge isn't allow the contestants using fist .

Moby : No ...

Moby try slowly moving his paw on top of the board and use karate chop and he success to break it .

Marshall : Moby did it !

Moby : Let's go !

Austin place another wooden board on top of the two bricks . Adam W slowly moving his hand on top of the board and use karate chop and he success to break it .

Marshall : Adam ... Sorry , what's your full name ?

Adam W : Adam Walsh .

Marshall : Adam Walsh did it !

Austin place another wooden board on top of the two bricks . Tuck slowly moving his paw on top of the board and use karate chop and he success to break it .

Bob Cooper : Woah !

Austin Modern : I thought you're weak after saying a lot of fat jokes .

Tuck : This is different .

Carmen Jones : You thought this is different ? Bring two boards .

Austin place two wooden boards together on top of the two bricks . Carmen use both his hands on top and use karate chop and he success to break it .

Bob Cooper : Holy s*** !

Howie Roger Jones : Oh my god !

Rocky : That's cool !

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