Chapter 3

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After Few Hours <
Hinata was finally awake.
She rubbed her eyes and went to her sisters room which was just beside hers.

"Onee chan"
Hanabi hugged Hinata 🤗❤
"I was so worried"
"Thank God
You are safe"
"Onee Chan why didn't you give that scarf to Naruto Nii"
"No Hanabi Chan Naruto has a girlfriend"

Hanabi was shocked after learning this new piece of information.
She was also angry that her sister's heart was broken.

She ran to confront Naruto. But Hinata caught her before she got out of her room.

"Hanabi I don't think Naruto sees me  the same way I see him"
(While speaking Hinata's eyes welled up)
I had always admired Naruto since I was a little girl. He was like a Sun so bright and fearless. He gave me the courage to get out of my shell and fight.
But with passing days that admiration turned into a strong feeling of love.

But after Yesterday's incidents I have realised maybe I should stop pushing my feelings on to him.
I had already confessed once at the time he fought with pain. I didn't expect to survive when I went ahead to fight with pain but now since I am alive. Maybe he feels burdened with my feelings. Like he is obliged to reciprocate my love because of what Neji nii san did. But I don't want that I am happy when Naruto is happy If he doesn't want to. If he doesn't want to be more then I am happy being just freinds. Nothing more
So I have finally decided not to pursue him any more and get over this love.
I am tired of this emotional distress.
Hanabi:What about that red scarf you knit for him.
"It got torn"

After learning Hinata was awake Naruto and Sakura went to meet her.
Toneri was already gone by then.

Sakura: "Hinata for few days you will not be able to use your byakugan."
Naruto ran towards Hinata and sat on her bed.
I am glad you are ok..ttebayo.
(Naruto was feeling giddy).
Hanabi who had listened to her sister earlier was getting angry seeing Naruto near her sister.
She ran to Naruto and pushed him from Hinata's side and sat herself.
She whispered
"I don't like you"
Naruto who had heard what hanabi said just made a weird face and said
"Why Dattebayo"
Seeing this Hinata and Sakura started laughing.
Naruto was mesmerised after seeing Hinata smile.
but Naruto got a little shy and stood up from her Bed and went to stand near Sakura.
His heart ❤ was beating erratically after seeing Hinata smile.

Sakura:"Baka I can hear your heartbeat just stop with whatever inappropriate you are thinking."

Naruto and sakura were given a duty of
9 days to watch over Hyuuga compound.

Toneri who had done some unknown jutsu on Hinata's room with which he could see what was going on in there just said one thing after witnessing this commotion.

"Hinata you are only mine"

Flashback Few Hours earlier~
Except Toneri there was no one in Hinata's room. Toneri saw what was in Hinata's mind. "He saw all the events starting from childhood of Hinata about Naruto " He saw how much Hinata loved Naruto. He also saw Yesterday's event in Hinata's mind where she saw Naruto and Sagishi together.
Toneri was assured that Hinatas love was unrequited And he could just have Hinata without carrying out his earlier decided plan.

Now: After witnessing the commotion Toneri came to know that yesterday it was just a misunderstanding and that Naruto also loves Hinata.
Toneri said "Looks like I have to carry on with my original plan"

Evening at Hyuuga residence

Hanabi and Naruto bickered whole day since Hanabi was angry 😠😡 she didn't miss a single chance to annoy Naruto.
But She didn't do it infront of Hinata.
And each time it ended with Naruto getting scolded by Sakura.

One time Hanabi added extra Chillies in Narutos lunch.
Naruto chocked on his food.
Hinata who came to know about what her sister did scolded Hanabi "Hanabi Naruto is just like Neji Nii San you should respect him"

Naruto who heard this felt an unknown pain in his heart.
Kurama from inside snickered: she has brozoned you Naruto.🤣🤣
" Shut up you stupid old fox"

Next day when Naruto slept for few hours Hanabi with blue permanent Marker drew mustaches and wrote in Bold letters on Naruto's face I am the Idiot of the Shinobi World.
Naruto who didn't knew this unknowingly went to Kitchen where Hinata and Sakura was. After seeing Narutos face both started laughing between her laughter Hinata said
"Hanabi is such a little troublemaker"
Naruto's heart was squeezing from inside. This was the first time he had seen Hinata smile so wholeheartedly. He just wanted to go and hug her and to
Never let that smile go from from her face.

The change in demeanour of both her freinds didn't go unnoticed by Sakura. She saw Naruto and thought "Finally after so long"
And she also saw Hinata no longer shy and more open towards Naruto.
She was happy that both her freinds were going to be together.

But she didn't knew what was the actual reason behind the change in attitude of Hinata.

Hinata in her mind: I am happy Naruto seeing you Happy.

"Dont worry Naruto I have creme It will help in removing the permanent marker. I made it when Hanabi did this to one of the guards"
She took Naruto by holding his hand to her room.
(Hinata's hands are so soft. I so badly want her to touch my cheeks😍😍 with those hand. I also want to touch her cheeks. Imagine how soft they would be)
Naruto was lost in his thoughts.

Naruto Naruto sit on the bed. (Naruto woke up from his trail of thoughts)

Hinata then started applying the creme 
to Naruto. Naruto was burning with each of Hinatas touch.
Just then a summon from Hokage came from the window. Hinata who was standing just next to the window fell on top of Naruto due to the push.

Narutos heart started beating frantically and he turned super hot.
Same thing was happening with Hinata but she quickly stood up.
"Sorry Naruto"
"Its alright Dattebayo"
"Do you have fever Naruto you were so hot" "No No Hinata I don't have fever"

Naruto San Hokage Sama has called you.

Toneri who had seen this was turning 
red with anger and jealousy.

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