"Wow...this is very interesting, Ink. I never thought that such a feat, to make more of us with simply our own magic."

Ink nodded, as he then spoke out.

"Neither did I. I never thought that we'd be capable of doing this. Like, how did that happen?"

He raised his hands at his accident children, as Dream then spoke out.

"Even so...it is intriguing at how they are able to act like sentient beings, despite the fact that they are just made and not born in the same way they monsters are born."

Ink nodded, and he didn't mind it. After all...it is something so new and unique that has never been seen before in the Multiverse itself. He stares at the area, as he sees the spawns having fun. Seeing how happy they are makes a smile appear on his ink-stained face, rather somewhat genuinely.

However...back at the town of the Omega Timeline, there's a section that has been damaged with a destroyed building. The building shows it had a hole in it, with bones present and blue strings, as well as glitches all over them. The bones themselves, they belong to Swap Sans, with the blue strings and glitches leftover from Error, when Underswap had battled against him. As that happened, the blue strings and glitches, they began to move around the bones, and began to spread and wrap around the bones, as there's something new being created. A blocky right hand and a blocky left leg is shown, as the entity began to form from what remained of the battle between Swap and Error.


Dust and his group are now inside of Waterfalls, as they do the best that they can to avoid any sort of unnecessary trouble that might befall upon them. After all, they had nearly gotten into trouble when involving Fell!Sans, and now, now they are likely gonna have more trouble then before, especially when it involves trying to find Undyne. Most of the group decided to stay behind, and only Dust, Vivian, Dustbelief, Glitchtale, Killer, TimeKid, Red, and IT Frisk. And Dream, he still hasn't came back. He's been gone for what must have been a couple of days, and this is making Dust a little bit worried for the reason. So why...why is Dream gone for as long as he is. As Dust and the others continued to move around, Dust spoke out.

"Geez...Waterfalls is already making me a little bit uneasy for some reason. Don't know why. Maybe it is because there is almost no one there?"

Killer shrugged, as he then spoke out.

"Maybe. Well...at least Nightmare ain't here. I now feel more like my usual self then before. Though I still have the LV from before, which I can't do about it...and for some reason, my LV and Stats haven't RESET."

This made Dust confused, as he spoke out to his other self.

"What do you mean by that?"

Killer then spoke out

"Usually...my LV would be brought back to 1 whenever a RESET occurs, regardless of who does it. But...for some reason...the LV that I gained is still here. Guess it only works when the AUs and ATs are separated and not when they are together."

Dust nodded his head, and spoke out.

"I see."

Dust then looked forward again, as he continues onward, as the other went beside him. But as they kept on moving, Killer Sans then looked around, and he noticed something made him...admittedly, a lot ore bit uneasy. He feels a presence that feels...a little bit different...and not in a good way. He looks up and sees something. He took a step back, and Dust turned around, looking confused for the behavior that he is exhibiting now.

"Killer, what's wrong?"

Killer looks at Dust, and points his Knife in the direction that he is looking at, and spoke on to him.

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