Chapter 17: Rambling

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Morgan Sinclair

"December 19th, 2025

Hey Morgan, I'm pregnant. Holy shit that's wild to say. I haven't actually said it out loud yet, you're the first person I'm telling. Jason's visiting his parents for the weekend I was going to go but I didn't feel well- didn't think it was a child that's causing me to be nauseous I thought it was some food fucking me over but I realized I was late. I took a test, even ran to a doctor to get it confirmed. I am pregnant. I don't entirely know what to do here. I want kids but I didn't think I'd be having one a couple of months after I graduate and literally a month into my job. Everything's happening so quick, I wish you were here. I'm freaking out and you always knew how to calm me down."

I shut Lindsey's journal placing the photos I took as a bookmark when we're informed we're about to start our descent. Victoria and I went back to Zades and Jareth's at sundown for their update. They couldn't track it exactly, they went on about certain spells Lucien must have on it use its trace energy as a red herring. With that he narrowed it down to three possible places because the energy signature is so potent. His original city in Greenland, Aurelia's city in Alaska, and my city.

I doubt it'd be in mine. It couldn't be. Not that he would've told me if it was but I just know it's not there. Aurelia's palace is in Alaska right near the border. It's practically a ghost town aside from my father's nobles and guards he has stationed in the case of a hunter attack but even the hunters haven't touched up there. His original city and Aurelia's are both fairly isolated while mine, I've had to mind control government officials and random billionaires looking to build a little too close to the land surrounding my city. Why would he hide his dagger in a place that has a million and one people around it? And most of the time my palace itself has a lot of people wandering around. Or would that be the perfect place since I'm already counting it out?

Fuck, I don't know.

"They couldn't find it exactly-." Victoria starts once we all gather back in my main office.

"What do you mean exactly?" Kellan cuts in, standing with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed.

My face twitches into a scowl- my natural reaction to Kellans voice. "If you could've found it within yourself to shut the fuck up for five seconds then she would've finished her sentence."

Kellans lips part, peeling back from his gums baring his teeth as he's about to snap at me but Victoria holds up a hand to him. "Enough." Her naturally authoritative tone and severe facial expression shuts the both of us up and pulls everyones attention back to her. She continues to explain the daggers spell situation.

"So how are we going to figure out which one?" Chloe asks as she begins to pace along the windowed wall of my office. "Then finding it within that city is a whole separate issue."

That question sets off about two minutes worth of arguing over how exactly we're going to find it. The arguing comes to a slight agreement when it comes to who has the best shot at finding it. Me.

Apparently out of everyone here I'm the only one who has a chance at finding it, given I'm Lucien's favorite. Chloe saying those words, 'Lucien's favorite' in reference to me has nausea churning in my gut. I've known I'm his favorite but now hearing it elicits disgust. "I'm going to be pretty much walking through a minefield with this, you guys do know that right?" I finally say.

"Can you do it or not?" Kellan questions.

"I'll get it done." I respond, unable to keep the bitchy tone out of my voice. "He's just..." I take a breath, "Give me time, I'll get it done." Chloe's eyes narrow at me. She agrees that I'm the best shot at finding where it is out of the three but she still doesn't trust me. Her hatred is still evident but it's being fought by her desire to comfort her 'best friend'- that glimmer of pity in her eyes, bothers me to no end. "I'll get it done, Chloe." I say to Chloe's unspoken questions.

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