Chapter 17

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So I hope that all of you will enjoy this chapter.  I know that I sure did.






Winry's POV

He walked me to the middle of the flower field, as he held a picnic basket, and a picnic blanket.  He placed the blanket down and then the basket.  We both took a seat, and he began to pull sandwiches and fruits out of the basket.  I smiled when he pulled out a bottle that looked like milk, but inside was tea.  He poured the tea into two glasses and gave me one.  We started to eat some of the fruit, and then I took one of the sandwiches.  It was good, and I was happy and a bit surprised he did this for me. 

"Did I do okay?"

"You did great."  I told him as I leaned towards him and gave him a peck on his cheek.  "Thank you."

We ate our food, and laughed at old stories from when we were kids, things that we used to do.  It was fun to spend time with him, to laugh and feel free, and I could be myself.  I loved that he wasn't hiding anything right now, he was like an open book at the moment, he seemed really happy, and I haven't seen that in a while.  Ever since he and Al left, I never really got to see him happy, really and truly happy, I mean he was every once in a while, but I could always see that there was something bothering him, something in the back of his mind that he wasn't saying. 

We then got to desert which was a chocolate cake.  "I asked Gracia to make if for me before we came here."

"Hahaha, nice Ed."

"What?"  He shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing, you thought this out didn't you?"

"Maybe, so what if I did, I wanted to make you happy."  He blushed slightly.

"Thank you Edward."  He smirked and we ate a slice of cake.  It was delicious.  Once we were done eating, we put everything away and into the basket.  Edward went to put the basket back in the car as I stood and walked around the field.  It was so pretty and it reminded me of home, I wonder if this is why he brought me here for a date. 



"You okay?"

"Yeah I was just wondering, did you bring me for a date, because it's a lot like home?"  He smirked a little, knowing that he was caught.

"Yeah, I hoped you would like it."

"I loved it." 

We walked hand in hand around the field of flowers and we reached a spot under a tree. 

"Thank you Ed."

"For what?"

"For all of this." 

"Um Winry?"

"Yes, Ed?"

"I know that I am not around much, but I want you to know that I love you."  He stood in front of me, still holding my left hand in his right one.   "I know what I, we said before, but I want to do this right."  Do what right, what is he talking about, we have talked about a lot of things.  "I love you Winry, more than my own life, and being away from you is harder than you think.  Remember how you cried when Al and I burned our home?"  I nodded, of course I remember, I remember crying for them, because they wouldn't, or Ed wouldn't.  I remember crying and arguing with Ed because they no longer had a home to go back to.  "I may not have a house to call home, but I have you.  I don't need a house winry, all I need is you.  You are my home, as long as I have you, as long as you are breathing, I have a home.  I may not be around much, and I may not show you enough how much you mean to me, but...." He took a deep breath before he continued.  "Winry Rockbell, I love you more than you will ever know, and I have for years.  Winry..."  He dropped one knee. 

Oh my God!

He reached into his pocket of his pants with the hand that wasn't holding mine, and he pulled out a small box. He let go of my hand and opened it.  There was a small ring with a diamond on it, it wasn't bit, but I didn't care. 

"Will you Marry Me?"  My breath was caught in my throat and I didn't know how to answer.  I mean the answer was yes of course but.....  I tried to open my mouth to speak, he was waiting for an answer.  I nodded my head, and managed to choke out a yes.  He took my hand and placed the ring on my finger, as tears started to form in my eyes.  He rose from his knee and we hugged each other tightly.  "Of course I will marry you."  I cried out, as tears fell down my face.  He buried his face in the crock of my neck and it sounded like he let out a small happy sob as well.  We pulled apart enough to kiss, and when he pulled away I couldn't help the large smile that formed on my lips, and the happy tears that continued to fall down my face.  I giggled, and jumped up, my legs wrapping around him, and he held me tighter.  "I love you Edward."

"I love you too."  He whispered in my ear. 





So what did you all think?




Thank you.

Edward and Winry After Fullmetal Alchemist BrotherhoodKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat