Chapter 16

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I want say that I am sorry for taking so long, but I am posting now, yay.

So this chapter will start off about a day and a half or so back, to see what Ed and Winry do on their date and while visiting Alicia. ( don't know if I am spelling that right).


Winry's POV

Edward, Al and I left the hotel to go see Alicia, when we got to her house I was tackled by a little girl. She wouldn't let go of me, and i the same with her. She had gotten so big since the last time I saw her. I cannot believe how big she has gotten. I looked up to see her mother, Gracia. I smiled at her as she smiled back and waved. Edward walked up to her and hugged her, as did Al. She then released me and chased after Ed and Al. I couldn't help but laugh. Gracia led us inside and had an apple pie ready for us. Alphonse mouth opened in aw, and Ed looked like he was ready to eat until he couldn't eat anymore. I giggled. He is still supposed to be taking me to dinner. The boys got themselves a slice of pie and I shared my piece with Alicia. She has to be the cutest thing ever. The boys only ate once piece of pie because I had told them no more than one. These boys are crazy, but I love them no matter what they do, or how they may act at times. I giggled when Alicia sat on Edwards lap and asked if he was going to be a father one day. He looked over at me and saw me giggling. He was looking for help too, he didn't know how to answer that.

"Well Alicia he might be, it is up to him, he may never know what lies ahead in his future, none of us do." I told her as she looked at me from Ed's lap.

"Are you going to have kids one day big sister?"

"I might, I don't know yet." I told her with a smile on my face. She seemed happy too, with the answers that she was given.

"Do you want babies? Oh and I could even play with them too, even if I will be older, I could be like their big sister."

"Do I want kids?" I asked myself and placed my index finger on my chin, looking up at the ceiling, thinking. I looked over at Ed, I couldn't read his expression. I looked back to Alicia, who was still waiting for an answer. "Yes, I think at some point in the future, it would be nice to have a child or two. But see it also depends if the father wants to have a baby too."

"You mean like how daddy and mommy both wanted to have me?""Yes, a lot like that." I told her trying not to cry. "So if you have babies, the daddy has to want them too."


"Cool. Mommy still takes me to visit daddy sometimes, she says that if i try real hard he can still hear me, but I can't hear him." She seemed confused and a bit sad at the fact that she couldn't hear her father. But I happy that he can hear me, so I always talk to him for a long time." I smiled at her.

"I am sure that he loves what you tell him."

"Yay, hey do you talk to you daddy and mommy?" She asked me, I froze, and Ed was about to respond for me.


"Do you tell them a lot?"

"If I have a lot to say."

"Alicia it is time for bed." Gracia told her, and she jumped off of Ed's lap and ran towards her bedroom after she told us bye. "I am sorry about that."

"It's okay." I told her and hugged her as we all walked out of the door to leave. Ed took my hand in his, "Ready for dinner?" He asked me as I looked up at him. "Yes." I told him with a smile on my face as we got into the car and he drove back to the hotel to drop off Al and then he took us to a very nice looking flower field.

Edward and Winry After Fullmetal Alchemist BrotherhoodDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora