Chapter 15

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Roy Mustang's POV

I could feel a body atop of mine.  My mind began to remember what happen last night.  What I had done, what Riza had given me.  I opened my eyes to see her beautiful form asleep atop of me.  My arms holding her to me.  I smiled down at her sleeping form and kissed her forehead.  She snuggled in closer to me, and my hold on her tightened.  I will do right by her.  I love her.  I knew that if I screw this up...  I didn't even want to finish that thought, without this woman beside me, I am nothing.  My life means nothing without her in it.  She has kept me sane all these years, and I am sure I have done the same for her. 

I watched her as she slept.  She seemed so at peace, so carefree.  She was happy.  I don't remember the last time that I saw her so happy.  I can't wait to see those beautiful eyes open.  I ran my fingers through her hair as she slept, and kissed her forehead once more.  I thought about work, and decided to call in sick today or something.  I looked over at her bed time table and reached for the phone. 

I had called in saying that something had come up, and neither Hawkeye nor I would be going to work today.  Of course being Fuhrer has its perks. 

I looked back down at the beauty in my arms.  I knew that she would be a bit sore or more so when she woke and started to move, so calling in had a few hidden meanings behind it.  Not only did I want to spend the day with her today, but I knew that she wouldn't want to be walking around all day.  Although I knew that she would take it, and do her job, she deserved this, we both did.  Besides last night, was her first, I want this to be perfect for her if I can make it so, then I will.  She stirred in her sleep and soon her eyes shot open and she looked up at me. 

A smiled spread across her face, and it spread to her eyes.  She was glowing, and the light from the morning sun, only made her look more beautiful.  "Good Morning."  I told her as I tilted her chin up and gave her morning kiss.

Riza's POV

I smiled against his lips before pulling away.  "Good morning."  It felt weird, strange, something was different.  I then remembered what we had done last night, what I had given him.  I looked away from his eyes, and then back to him.  We had no cloths on, the only thing were the bed sheets.  I looked at him with a bit shock. 

"Riza?  Are you alright?  Did I do something wrong?"  He seemed worried.

"No, just...."  I trailed off, and ran my hand down his chest. 

"What?  Are you okay?  Did I hurt you?"

I smiled, he was so worried for me.  "I am fine."  I sat up a bit and shut my eyes, when I felt a slight soreness flow through my lower half. 


"I am alright."  I told him and looked at him, I leaned towards him and kissed him.  "Just sore is all."  I mumbled against his lips. 

"I have good news and bad news."

"What is the bad news?"  I asked with a stern look.  What did he do?  He had to ruin the moment.

Edward and Winry After Fullmetal Alchemist BrotherhoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora