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" what was that ?! Why were you screaming at her what did she do wrong ?"
" Loki you know what she did "
" No, I don't "
" Loki you're married to skadi "
" unfortunately "
" you gave her more attention than you give your own wife !"
" because I love Sygin not that other woman ! Only Sigyn , I always been "
Sigyn was listening to this on the other side of the door , she got on her feet crying ... why can't they be together? If they love each other?
She was nervous she was crying and shaking so she went to Eir , but she forgot about eisa being there .
" Sigyn !" Eir said worried
" why awe you cwying ?" Eisa asked
" oh Eisa , hi " she said she totally forgot
" I'm not crying , I'm sweating from my eyes "
" no youwe cwying "
Sigyn was still nervous but it looked like a certain someone came to make it worse
" Eisa- " Loki called but saw Sigyn " what happened? !" He says truly worried she was sat down on a chair and he just kneeled down to her level
" nothing " Sigyn said with even more willingness to cry
" Eisa stay here with Eir ok ? I gonna make Sygin feel better ok ?"
" okay " she says happy knowing that Sigyn will stop crying " daddy always makes me feel okay so you'll be okay Sigyn"
She just smiled at the little girl
" let's talk cmon " Loki said bringing her to a quiet place  in this case one of his favorites, the library.

They sat to a more hidden table in the middle of the bookshelves.
" so.... Are you telling me what happened ..."
" I don't want to talk about it.... And don't forget I'm still mad at you "
Loki laughed lightly " fair fair " he says in surrender
" but you have to talk to me that's why I brought you here "
Sigyn sighed but remained in silence
" ok so let's start , Si ... I'm going to ask a question ok and I want you to be clear and truthful I don't want you to lie to me I don't want you to try to shrug it off ok be honest"
Sigyn was getting really nervous, about what he wanted to ask.
" ok " she says almost whispering
" Did Odin told you to stay away from me and Eisa ? Did he force you to do it ? Be honest please "
" ....... I-"
" please... just yes or no "
" yes ..."
" I knew it I fucking knew it , was it the reason why you hating me and say you don't love me like you did the other day when I kissed you ?" Loki asked hopefully
" ..... and what if I say yes ?"
" are you being truthful ?"
" yes "
Loki sighed relieved like if he had like one hundred stones on his back and someone took that weight out of him, his heart was now better , Loki didn't seem but he was so broken when she said she didn't love him anymore .

" you love me ?" Loki asked
Sigyn started to tear up
" I- I heard what you said to Odin ... that's why I was in that state "
" you did ... "
" hum hum "
" so and do you still love me ?"
" yes Loki I never stopped ... " she said rolling her eyes playfully
Lokis eyes were full with joy and hope , specially hope , he almost shed a tear , he was so happy ...
His smiled went from ear to ear
Which Sigyn thought of it that he was extremely adorable
" can I can I kiss you ?" Loki asked this time
She laughed
" sure but only one , bc you have a wife you're married "
He rolled his eyes " the only person that I will be really truthfully married is you "
She smiled
They finally kissed , and it was such a passionate kiss , Sigyn was longing for this for such a long time , not only her but Loki as well .
They parted ways
" okay it's enough " Sigyn says
" for today " he smirked
She gave him a side eye look
"Are you better ? "
" yes iam "

Fragmented soul -(Loki Laufeyson fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now