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Aria POV

Mornings in is this place are probably the best you can have if you wake up at the right time and right now I woke up at the right time and the sky looks so so beautiful this is probably one of the reasons I choose to get up every day.

I got them today with a good feeling maybe because I knew Calia is having karma as of right now which just makes me smile I mean all these years of her bullying and now no one wants to help her it's a no brainer.

Then after getting ready for school I got a text from me, Cass, and Cole's group chat.

Cass: You guys won't believe this

Cole: Believe what? Tell us!

Cass: Calia's parents are at the school interviewing people for the job they are calling everyone with 'acceptable' grades

Cole: Of course they are I mean can you imagine getting someone that had just as bad as grades as her to tutor her? That would be a waste of money

Cass: I guess you're right....

Was the last text I read before I put my phone in my hoodie pocket and started walking out of the house on my way to the school it was a little bit chilly but nothing that would get to me.

I kind of knew that they would do that come to the school I mean because there was no way they would have people come to their house just for an interview that they probably weren't going to get, that makes sense right?

It only took me a couple of minutes to make it to the school because I don't really live that far so walking even in the hardest weather wouldn't be a problem for me.

As I walked up the steps the teacher gave me a smile and a nod before letting me in which I returned as soon as I got in the building and started to walk to my class.

I walked in to see Cassie practically almost jumping out of her seat which made me chuckle as I walked up to her as she waited and impatiently.

"Even though class has just started I'm so so excited about who they're going to call next." Cass said jumping up and down in her seat as I sat in my seat hoping to get through the day.

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