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Aria POV

"There's no way." She said with a laugh as she continued to read what ever it was making Cole interested.

"What is it read it out loud." Cole said excitedly as Cass smiled and began to read out loud what she had just received.

"The daughter of millionaires Andrew and Julian Cadmen has been reported to the failing her classes as stated by her mother and is now looking to hire a tutor for her in school or not." She started making us all go quiet before she started again.

"But Andrew has made a new statement stating that 'we will no longer be hiring out of who we or our daughter knows for security reasons and to quicken the hiring process.' He said earlier today but that's it for now we will keep you and the public updated." She finished as both Cole and Cass started laughing.

"There's no way that no one wanted to be her tutor that bad." Cass said still dying of laughter as Cole continued.

"Yeah I mean it got so bad that her parents needed to make a statement about it probably in order to get a tutor." Cole said laughing as I rolled my eyes while chuckling.

I mean everyone knew it was a matter of time before the 'Great and powerful' Calia started to fail her classes so everyone was practically just waiting for it.

"I mean I know I don't go there anymore but even I knew she was going to start failing eventually." Cole said with some seriousness in his voice as Cass and I silently agreed.

"Yeah I mean she basically skips class every day like no wonder she's failing." Cass said honestly as me and Cole nodded and then we stayed silent for the rest of the time.

Until it was time for me to go because the sun was setting despite the fact Cass and Cole were trying to make me stay but I couldn't because I had to get home which they understood.

I waved to them as I walked out of the peaceful house and started my walk back to my silent house with the information that my bully needed a tutor.

How amusing.

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