𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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After managing to calm Debbie down from her entire death obsession for a little while, Joey sat at a table with Jakob and Maeve at some buffet as they completely devoured a plate of steak. It wasn't everyday the group of teens got to eat at a buffet, so they were taking advantage of every single second they got to spend in the sweaty restaurant.

"Guys, we should totally start looking on the El for purses. If Fiona bags one then maybe we can too." Joey mentioned as she took a bite out of her ribs. Her mouth immediately watered, wanting more of the savory food.

Jakob licked his fingers and nodded his head. "Yeah, let's go tomorrow."

"Before or after we do our project? Lip still hasn't helped us yet!" Maeve mentioned, throwing her hands up in the air. Joey couldn't help but agree with the girls statement. Despite the fact Lip promised them dozens of times that he would actually sit down and help them with their summer assignment, it seemed that all he's been doing was obsessing over Karen and some random dude she was fucking named Jodi. If he didn't help them soon, Joey may just punch the shit out of him and force him to explain basic biology.

"After," Jakob replied with a nod. "I wanna get this damn project over with so that we can spend the rest of our summer not having to worry about science."

Joey nodded in agreement, taking a bite out of her ribs once more before standing up and making her way over to her siblings table. It was almost like thanksgiving dinner. The older people got the larger table while the little kids were secluded to their table. Joey hated it with a burning passion. She remembered it being one of her first protests.

"Hey! You have your own fries!" Ian exclaimed once Joey stole a fry off from his plate.

"Yeah well, these fries were right in front of my face," Joey then turned towards Lip. "Dude, seriously? When are you helping me with this project? I'm dying over here."

"You're dying?" Debbie shouted, standing up from her seat with wide eyes. "No! You can't die!"

"Nice going Jo." Lip dryly commented with an eye roll. Joey sent him the finger before turning towards Debbie who looked like she was on the verge of a panic attack.

"I'm not dying, Debs. It was just some stupid saying. I'll stop saying it if you want."

Debbie slowly nodded, Maeve pulling her to sit back down and encouraging her to eat her food. Joey sent a look to Lip, letting him know that she wasn't playing around whatsoever. Lip only nodded, going back to his food. The blonde groaned loudly and threw her head back before making her way over to the table she once sat at.

The next day, Jody let out a loud yawn as she walked into the kitchen. She had barley slept the night before, due to the air conditioning being shut off. Joey could barley close her eyes for two seconds without an intense heat coming over her body. Fiona had walked inside the house, carrying multiple bags in her arms. Carl and Debbie had taken some of the bags, Joey following suit and looking inside.

"You got those cookies you can only find on the north side?" The blonde grinned, pulling the box of cookies out of the bag.

"Yep," Fiona nodded before beginning to list the other items that she had bought. "French toast and scrambled egg whites with sausage for lieutenant Gallagher. Newspaper. New socks, Carl. Throw out the ones with holes in them."

"Awesome." Carl grinned.

"A manicure?" Lip questioned once he took notice of Fiona's nails.

"Wanted to treat myself."

"Nineteen people died in Chicago yesterday," Debbie mentioned, looking over the newspaper. "This guy died of heat exhaustion. He was only 54. People can die from heat exhaustion?"

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