Chapter 4

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Rose's eyes widened as she stared at the Goblet, then her eyes followed Scorpius's back as he walked out of the hall. She looked up at Aleks. "I'll be right back," she murmured before following Scorpius out of the hall. "Scorp, wait!"


Scorpius's footsteps sped up as he heard her following him. The last thing he wanted to do was talk to her. The thought of being so near to her and not being able to hold her hurt his heart, but it was his fault. His fault for leading Jessica on, his fault for letting Rose find someone else.

When Rose caught up to him, he forced himself to stop and turn to her. "What do you want, Weasley?"

"I-I just thought you weren't putting your name in? What made you change your mind?" She asked, looking at the ground as she played with her fingers.

"I never said I wasn't. You just assumed that I would do what you wanted, even though you can't stand the mere sight of me."

Rose sighed and nodded. "Just, try to be safe? Please? Good luck." She kissed his cheek and walked away.

Scorpius sighed and made his way down to the library to get a book about the Triwizard Tournament.


AsRose walked down the hall, she couldn't help but think about how cold Scorpius had been to her. She thought he loved her, but apparently not. She shook her head and went to go find Aleks.

"Where did you go?" She heard the thick Bulgarian accent behind her as she maneuvered the corridors of Beauxbatons.

"Just for a walk to calm down. I didn't think you would enter," Rose said, turning to face him.

"Why wouldn't I? I mean, it is a chance to impress the girl I like." He smiled at her, reaching down to grab her hands.

"You like me...?" She asked hesitantly. "But, I thought you only wanted to get back at your ex..."

"Originally, that was the plan, yes. But, you were so kind and sweet, I realized that I liked you genuinely."

Rose blushed and looked down, but Aleks tilted her face up and kissed her gently. She was surprised to find herself kissing back.

Eventually, after walking around the large castle (with a few stops to snog in a broom closet or dark corner) Aleks and Rose came to a stop outside of the door leading to the Hogwarts Head Boy and Girl common room.

"So..." Rose began, awkwardly staring at the floor.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Aleks asked nervously. "There's a small village just down the road from the castle, much like the one near Hogwarts, I'm told. I was thinking tomorrow night, at maybe, six o'clock?"

She smiled and nodded. "I'd like that, yes."

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed her softly, but the kiss turned passionate.

"Mind not snogging in front of the door?" Scorpius said dryly, causing the two to jump apart. "Thanks." He glared at the two of them before walking into the common room, his arms full of books.

Rose and Aleks said goodnight before Aleks walked down the hall and Rose followed Scorpius.

"What is your problem?" Rose growled at Scorpius.

"He is my problem." Scorpius shrugged simply.

"Why? What has he ever done to you?"

"He stole you from me," Scorpius growled, moving closer.

I Love You, Weasley {Scorose}Where stories live. Discover now