"It's my turn to protect you."

Start from the beginning

"I guess I kind of deserve that," she heard the boy say.

That was odd, not something she expected. But she wasn't ever going to fall for his little soft moments anymore. She had that mistake and look where it got her. So, instead, she turned her head away from Taiju, not wanting to look at him any longer because of all of the pain he had put her and his siblings through.

But Taiju knew she probably wouldn't have been happy to see him when she woke up, even though he was happy to see her beautiful eyes looking back at him. Even though they were quite sharp and heated when his golden eyes made contact with them.

It was all so complicated, just complicated.

"I had a doctor come to see you. He says there's nothing broken, but you shouldn't be moving around much," Taiju spoke before heading toward the door, taking one more look back at the Hell's Angel.

She just kept her gaze turned away from him, not even bothering to acknowledge his presence. All she wanted was for him to get out of her sight. So the sound of the door opening had never made her feel so much relief.

Once he had made it out into the hallway, Taiju hadn't expected to see his younger brother standing just a couple of feet away. Hakkai wanted to see (Y/N), but like he always had, the boy froze in the presence of his older brother. He didn't know if Taiju was going to pin some sort of twisted blame on him or not.

To his surprise, the gang boss didn't show any signs of becoming aggressive toward the indigo haired boy. Hakkai didn't know whether to feel relieved or scared by that, but his older brother knew exactly why his younger brother had come here and why he was holding his ground.

"If you want to see her, I'm not going to stop you. But make it quick. She needs rest," the gang boss stated in a calm voice before turning around and disappearing down the hallway.

Hakkai let his eyes go wide for a second as he stayed in his spot for a few more moments. The boy was hoping this wouldn't come back to bite him. But he had to prepare himself too. For both what he was about to see when he entered the room before him, and for his upcoming plot that would be executed soon.

Taking a deep breath, the second division vice captain took a couple of steps towards the door to his older brother's room, which is where Taiju had taken her when he had come back with her in his arms and wrapped in his red Black Dragon jacket.

But, no matter how badly she might've been hurt, Hakkai wanted to see her. He wanted to make sure that she was alright...for the most part. Putting his hand on the doorknob, the indigo haired boy pushed the door open to see the Hell's Angel in the bed, her nose and bottom of her eyes looking badly bruised, the small cuts on her face, and the large bandage wrapped around her arm.

She was still kind of laying down a little bit on her uninjured side, but the girl perked up when she noticed the boy standing in the doorway and looking at her.

"Kai, hey, honey," the Hell's Angel softly greeted the boy, trying not to act like she was in pain when she clearly was.

And Hakkai could see right through her act as he made his way over to the bed before taking a seat right beside (Y/N), her injuries becoming much clearer to him as he felt his breathing rate start to speed up. He knew some of her injuries weren't from something that happened on her bike or that she had collapsed. Besides, he heard what had happened the night before. The sound of her nose cracking was still loud and clear in his head.

The dual color haired girl could see his walls cracking as she proceeded to slowly sit up as carefully as she could, trying to reach up and put a hand on his face to try and keep him from crying. But it was no use, because the indigo haired boy was quick to grab her hand as his eyes began to water.

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