15. 2006

73 3 0



For Tobias, three days was three days.

If it wasn't, I currently wouldn't be in Germany causing a fucking diversion that was not going as planned.

How do I describe a slapping sound?

I can't but get this, my entire being was just smacked out of me.

"I will not ask you again, fremder. Who. Are. You?" I had never wanted to beat someone up so badly but for Tobias and Rebecca and for the sake of the plan, I sucked it up.

But let me tell you- If I wasn't gagged and restrained, I would have beat the shit out of this Adolf Hitler wannabe.

He leaned into me, staring me in the eyes like he expected me to suddenly speak. Eyes are the windows to the soul, my ass.

I was a veteran liar.

But I would hand it to him.

He had very pretty eyes.

They were gray with specks of blue in them. He did have abnormally large pupils which gave off one impression —my man was stoned.

At least one of us was having a good time.

He suddenly pulled me by my hair and that hurt like a bitch.

"Fuck, dude. I have a boyfriend." I said, attempting to lean away from his scrutinising gaze. Pretty eyes or not Felicio would rip them out if he met us like this.

Surprisingly, I found zero disgust in his gaze but a small mischievous glint that spooked the fuck out of me.

"Faggot?" Pretty Eyes said, tilting my chin upwards. It was the perfect position to spit in his face but I still refrained.

He let me go and went behind me, undoing my binds. By now, I was confused.

I knew I was pretty like 'extremely drop-dead gorgeous' pretty but was it enough for this random German man to just let me go?

My nonexistent hopes were smothered when he suddenly pushed me to the ground. My feet were still bound to the chair legs so the position was pretty uncomfortable.

I watched him in disbelief as he rounded the chair and stood above me with his hands on his belt buckle.

He unzipped his pants.

I rolled my eyes, "Are you fucking for real right now?"

He did not seem to understand me as he brought out his limp-ass dick.

Shit looked sad.

Pretty Eyes grabbed my chin and brought it to his noodle. Like hell was I going to get close to that thing and just as expected, I was slapped again.

I was definitely going to fuck him up.


He gave me a few other smacks that seemed like we were in a BDSM scene, increasingly aggravated that I was resisting.

It was like homophobic men shared a single half-dead brain cell.

Pretty Eyes held my chin, his gloved fingers painfully digging into my skin as he tried to pry my mouth open.

I was stuck between biting it off or actually fucking him up-

A loud bang went off and Pretty Eyes dropped to the side. I opened my eyes to see him on the floor with half of his head blown out.

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