7. 2004

95 4 9


Yeah, life was fun.

I graduated from law school about four years ago and went back to Cuba so I could work in my father's legal firm after his death. My younger brother, Jacinto studied business as well so taking over the company was easy.

My mother on the other hand stayed back at the estate in Spain. I could tell she preferred to be with the family. We often spoke on the phone and she was happy. Only a bit pushy about me coming to visit.

But after what had happened to me there? I did not see myself going to Europe soon.

"Happy New Year's, Alvaro." I turned my attention away from the watch in a display window and to the familiar voice. "Do you like that one?"

"Hola, Linda," I said with a small grin. "I'm thinking about getting it for a friend."

The dark-skinned woman nodded and observed the watch in the case, then the one on my wrist.

Linda had worked in the firm for a year as my brother's assistant before getting a job at the jewelry store I was currently spending the new year at. It still surprised me because I knew she now earned less.

We had somehow become friends and sometimes when we both felt lonely, our friendship had some benefits.

She was the first woman I experimented with and realized that both genders might interest me.

At this point, you can't blame me- some people are just too beautiful.

"It's similar to yours, isn't it?" She asked and I shook my head.

Mine was a hundred and fifty thousand dollar Rolex and the one in question was about two grand.

Tobias did not like big brands. It would be perfect for a late birthday present.

"It is different." That was all I said while she narrowed her eyes at the watch.

It was obvious she couldn't tell.

Quite strange since it was her line of occupation.

"What are you doing here anyway? Did you not say you would be going to Hawaii for the Holidays?" I asked, raising small talk as I looked at another plain bracelet.

This one had gold Cuban links with a small emerald in the middle. It looked expensive.

I wanted it.

"How much is this?" I asked before she answered my first question. It turned out that I had zero interest in whatever she had to say.

"That's a bit cheaper than you would usually go for." Linda started, retrieving it from its tiny pillow. "It's eleven thousand."

I pouted at the price but took it from her, sizing it around my wrist and under the watch. They complemented each other.

"I'll take this and the watch," I said and she nodded and then walked away with it.

I looked around for a moment before pulling out my phone from my pocket. I had a few missed calls from Tobias and a simple message.

'Meeting in Spain in two weeks. Should we go?'

I had no will to leave America.

Instead of deciding, I called him right back.

"I have been trying to reach you all day, Alvaro," Tobias answered right after the second ring.

Over the years, his voice had gotten deeper and calmer making him sound like everything bored him. He took his time to speak and preferred to leave the conversation to me when we rarely spoke.

I did not complain. I looked forward to talking to him.

"Happy new year, Gato. I've been frightfully busy." I lied after attempting to burn a hole through my wallet all morning.

"Jacinto told me you took a day off," Tobias said dully, catching my lie. "Well, that is unimportant. My father says we should have a meeting."

I raised my brow in surprise, watching as Linda returned with my purchase and a card reader.

I handed her the card.

"And I'm invited? I thought he hated me." Tobias laughed but hummed in agreement.

It's been four years since I heard anything from the family. It was like after my father died, I stopped being a member and honestly, I couldn't give less of a fuck.

I lived the past seven years pretending I had nothing to do with a Mafia family.

Tobias on the other hand had to return to his father when he realized his sister was not dead. The fucker had her locked up in Germany so he could get Tobias to do his bidding. Now he had Tobias actively working towards taking over as head of the family while holding Rebecca hostage.

"He does but..." Tobias' voice lowered, "I think he's about to die. He is quite ill. Suffered a stroke a while ago."

Yeah, I laughed my head off.

"It's about fucking time." Thankfully, Tobias found it funny as well. "And you're going to take over?"

"That is what we have discussed yes, but I am doing it for other reasons." Of course, he was. He never did anything without ulterior motives.

"What other reasons?" I probed, saying goodbye to Linda and ignoring the 'call me!' hand gesture she did.

"I will tell you when I see you at the estate, Varo." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Is this going to be your way of forcing me back there?" I asked, making it to my car.

It was as cold as it could get at the beginning of the year as I finally got into the heated car. The short walk already had chills seeping through my coat.

"I understand that you do not have the best memories back home..." You think?! He paused and let out a shaky breath. "But if I am being honest, Alvaro, I cannot do this without you."

Hehe, I folded. Instantly.

How could I say no to him?

"Hello? Varo?"

I sighed heavily and started the car.

"When exactly would you be going to Spain?"

Varo LocoWhere stories live. Discover now