"Don't you think na masyadong mabilis naman ang lahat-lahat kung bigla-bigla kang naging concerned sa akin?" I inquire.

"Perhaps. Perhaps not." Elian cranes his neck to the side before brushing his hair with his fingers. "Definitely not, in my case. Just to clarify it. I don't know if you will even let me but... yeah. Pwede ba nating sabihin talaga na dahil talaga ito sa button-down?"

Why does it entertain me and I find it cute that he is having a hard time to explain his own actions?

I bite my lower lip to suppress my own smile, and nod. "Yeah. Definitely. 'Yon na lang ang possible excuse. And for the button-down, naibigay ko na for laundry kanina. I'll just return it kapag nakuha ko na ulit."

"Sure." He nods in return, and after a few minutes of silence between us, with no further words to say, he bids me goodnight and the fleeting remark of, "Stop making me worry about you all the time."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As usual, I do not know how many days or weeks had already passed since I return to the dreamscape. The last time had been weirdly a continuation of the one prior it, and it is very much of an understanding between me and César. But this time, by the time I gain bearing of the dreamscape, my mind seems set of what must be done already that thinking of what day it is happens to be at the very bottom of my list.

After all, the mood had been quite somber when I wake up finding myself back at the barracks. It gives me the notion that it had been definitely more than a week since the previous dream; and whether César finally gives up or not didn't end up as a question at all in my mind, as if I am sure that he listened to me and followed what he wanted. Though our ending conversation is quite a surprised and had been left hanging, I know at the back of my mind that the marriage remains a talk for another time. Since, as I still have the engagement ring means that we're still together, and the absence of a wedding ring is enough to tell me that we're still not wed at all.

I try to fit in the mood, watching with quiet gaze how the other nurses proceed on with the day despite the falling raindrops evident and the lack of sunlight in an otherwise hint of the dawn. I proceed on to change my clothes to the usual, before I realize that aside from it, others are also pulling out some sort of military-issued outer coat to be worn. So, I also take that of mine before the head of our department finally calls for everyone's attention to remain orderly as if we're some school children.

Clara, at that, instantly draws closer to me, linking her arms with that of mine as she holds on to an umbrella for us to share. Before I know it, the two of us are quiet as we take a bus for the ride, heading off to somewhere. And even if I am edgy to find out more, I keep my mouth shut as if that is the acceptable thing for me to do right now. It didn't take long for my own curiosity to be answered that beyond the view of the falling rain, rows and rows of crosses and tombstones become evident of where we're going.

My first thought of seeing it, Sino ang namatay? Anong ginagawa namin dito? Bakit?

I take a quick look around our bunch and I instantly hint something that not all of the military nurses are with us, just as not most of PAAC are also present. To be exact, only the entire group of the Sixth Pursuit Squadron are here, under each or shared umbrellas; though there are others I am familiar of to be part of PAAC, who are surely here because they personally know whoever it is who've died.

As I keep myself quiet and observing around, I meet new faces that I can swear I haven't seen back in the base, and then finally the grieving family, easily hinted with the framed photograph of the deceased that they are holding on.

Ah... Instantly, all other questions I have dispersed and are then answered at once.

In my time that I've been here on this dreamscape, it had been only once that I've heard of him, and only once, too, did I see him. However, I know that I had more memories of him in this dream's memory bank. Despite that, I am not crying or grieving at all, but my heart is heavy and quite painful about the loss of someone that I know had been constant in this dream version of mine's life, even though in just a background and not as evident to usually have an interaction with me.

Artificial Horizon - A César Fernando Basa x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now