Chapter 2: Demon Child

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Dion finally arrives at the town of Batu a day and a half later. Batu is a small town with its humble villagers and agricultural success due to living close to the sea. When Dion arrives he spots more smugglers. (likely in the same group as the ones in Highgate). Dion thinks. He scans the area he tries to move past the group of smugglers but they step in his way. "Now Here's how this is gonna go kid, you're gonna give me all of your money, cierites or rice. Do that and you won't get hurt cause I'm in a very bad mood." A smuggler says. "Have you seen a boy who looks like this?" Dion says calmly, waving a photo of a young boy in the air. "What? Stop screwing with me and hand over your valuables!" The smuggler says. (What a shame, I'll take that as a no.) Dion thinks. The smugglers lose their patience and all 6 of them engage Dion ready to take his valuables by force. Dion, now pissed off at the smugglers, decides to fight all 6 of them at once. He unsheathes his new katana, ready to test it out. Dion's sword extends, almost like a chain. He lashes the katana out and hits one of the smugglers in the heart. Dion's sword retracts and he takes a second to take in the handiwork of the blacksmith. Dion readies himself to take on the other 5 but he notices there's only 3 smugglers in front of him instead of 6. Dion's eyes quickly dart left then to the right and he finds the other 2 smugglers and a new figure who's fighting with them. (Who's this guy?) Dion thinks. He decides to turn his focus back to the three smugglers in front of him. All 3 of them attack from different sides. Dion evades and blocks their swords. He raises his sword ready to slice them. "Don't kill them!!" Says the man fighting the other 3 smugglers. The sudden shout causes Dion to make a shallow cut in the smugglers shoulder. Dion clearly expresses his annoyance through his facial expression. He decides to fight the smugglers without trying to kill them to avoid any other distractions. Dion begins struggling to fight the smugglers without killing them. "Dude with the sword switch opponents with me!" The other guy says. Dion makes a facial expression as if he's questioning what his intentions are, but he goes along with it anyways. While the two switch opponents Dion notices the other guy fighting. He seems to be using pyrokinesis. He propels himself from his feet to add more power to his attacks. (This guy can work well in a team.)  Dion thinks. Soon enough the two have knocked out all of the smugglers.

"I'm grateful for the help. I've been lookin for these guys for awhile" The Fire user says. Dion stays silent. "So what's with that swo-'' The fire user stops speaking with a look of terror on his face. There stood a big figure behind him. (He's fast!) The fire user and Dion think. The big guy punches the fire user in the side, sending him flying into the nearest structure. Dion raises his katana quickly, getting in a defensive position. The big guy appears behind Dion. Dion barely evades a strike from this mountain of a man and tries to slice him. The large man evades the katana by stepping further back and uses his long arms to punch Dion in the same place where the fire user was flung. The two climb out of the debris. "He's too damn fast for his size." The fire user says. "My name is Pierce the magnificent!" Pierce says. "You can't be serious! Who names a hunk like you Pierce!" The fire user says while chuckling. Pierce decides to ignore that comment. "Due to my large figure I moved pretty slow. BUT I've been blessed with super speed!" Pierce says. "Sword guy, are you ok?" The fire user asks. Dion however doesn't respond. The fire user turns his head to look at Dion. "Sword guy?" Dion seems unconscious in the rubble but his appearance starts to change. His skin turns slightly blue but is still mostly brown and he's grown a tail and horns. A sinister smirk appears on his face as well. The fire user stares in awe. "YES I'M FINALLY FREE!!" A voice that sounds remotely similar to Dion's but is very different says. The voice sounds deeper and more sinister than Dion's. "How should I wreak havoc today?..." The voice says. I'll go for the kid who uses fire first." It continues. "Do you really think your measly transformation is enough to beat me?!" Pierce says. "Pipe down kid, your time is coming." The voice says. "Who are you calling a kid brat!" Pierce says. "I was going to save you for later but now you've just pissed me off." The voice says. Pierce rushes in at an insane speed. Dion's body reacts and counterattacks Pierce. Pierce flys back with a surprised look on his face. "Y-you kept up with me?!" Pierce says shocked. Dion's body dashes toward Pierce. Pierce barely evades the attack. "I-I get it now! You-you're possessed by a demon! I've heard of you. The demon child, Dion!" Pierce says. The demon possessing Dion moves fast and fights with Pierce. He avoids Pierce's attacks with ease. Pierce tries to put some distance between them to gain an advantage but the demon raises his arm and a blue glow shines around his hand. The demon fires a lightning bolt at Pierce and Pierce collapses.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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