Chapter 2 - "It's coarse, rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere"

Start from the beginning


She laughed nervously scratching the back of her head deciding to rephrase and narrow down her question hoping she wasn't asking too many questions that it made the man uncomfortable, "Well, I guess I'm asking if you found anything unexpectedly difficult."

Reluctantly he nodded his head finally finding the right words, "I guess so. The actual practices of the Jedi are more challenging than I had expected rather than the physical or force-sensitive side of it all. No emotional attachments was a big one."

"That sounds about as much of a free life as I have."

"Pardon, what do you mean?" His head shot up in defence knowing that the woman may not have been as educated as he had initially thought.

"Not being able to love or even have friends sounds like a tough life. It's all well and good being one with the force but if you were to never love, that's a life that hasn't been lived." Y/n partially couldn't believe what mushy rubbish was coming from her mouth. She was a romantic, to say the least, but never so externally.

"I don't know how you can feel free when you have to repress your emotions, I love my brother and that's all I need to keep me going even as a slave." She smiled to herself only to look at the man in front of her waiting for his reaction.

All Obi-Wan could think was about how upset she would be if Anakin were to choose the Jedi path, he knew his master would offer the boy. Instead, he decided to change the topic in the hopes of distracting the girl. "How old are you?"

"In Tatooine years in the galactic federation calendar or?"

"Yeah, maybe not that question then. Well, tell me what it's like living here."

"I don't like sand. It's coarse, rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere. So that makes everything a lot more fun living here. Although I think I'd miss it if I never saw it again." She laughed crossing her arms feeling the cold a bit more now.

"You can sit down you know." He offered directing his hand towards the stool closest to her.

"Thank you."

There was a moment of comfortable silence when the two sat down and let out a sigh.

"You know... every one in three trillion beings is force sensitive. You could definitely be an asset to the jedi order."

She smiled at the compliment but decided to turn down the offer, this was her bothers fantasy not hers. "I wouldn't want to not have attachments Obi-Wan."

"Perhaps even as an engineer we could have you, I doubt with a midi-chlorian count like that they would want you straying off into the wrong hands." He figured the only way to keep her around was to be honest with the woman feeling that there was no point in attempting to manipulate her.

"The wrong hands?" She muttered in a questioning tone. Conrsidering how much she knew about the Jedi he was surprised to hear she hadn't heard of the Sith before.

He sighed not entirely sure how to phrase such an odd topic, he didn't want to make it sound very appealing but he also didn't want to scare her away with the topic, "There is a dark side to the force, it can consume people and there are Sith lords who practice this in the hopes of destroying the jedi order and causing chaos and would kill for a padawan such as yourself. Old enough to let your emotions control you and not brought up in the jedi way, youre a gold mine."

She nodded understanding the position she may have put the boy and his master in. "You say I'm force sensitive."

"And you say that as if you didn't throw me half way across your village." He shot back leaning back in his seat crossing his arms and throwing one leg over the other raising an eyebrow.

"Well, maybe if you told me how you began to learn to control it, I'd be able to use it more appropriately and I could prevent myself from falling to the 'dark side'." She leaned forward in her seat hoping he would agree that it was a good idea. He didn't look convinced, so Y/n decided to continue talking in the hopes of persuading him.

"I've read there is force speed and even manipulation over the weaker minded, is that all true?"

"You shouldn't be so inclined to believe everything you read but I could show you how to control yourself before you accidentally do something you'll regret." He was speaking more so to himself in the last sentence wondering how bad it could be to show her some meditation tricks and some simple clearing of the mind.

"Perhaps try this." He got of the seat and sat on the ground miming for her to follow along with him. He crossed his legs and let out a breath as she sat across from him mirroring him. "Clear your mind and feel nothing but the force, the main thing you need to keep in mind the force is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us as well as that it-"

"It binds the galaxy together. You are very from the book." She pointed out meanwhile he was simply trying to remember how Qui-Gon had taught him.

He couldn't help but grin thinking about the old days when he was new to learning with Qui-Gon. Y/n noticed his smile and couldn't stop herself from thinking he looked rather cute with a smile on his smug face.

"My master taught me the Jedi way as accurately as a padawan should be taught." He spoke gradually wanting her to stop talking and focus.

The two sat down and began to focus and as they sat on the floor. He could sense she was struggling from keeping her mind clear. He opened his eyes to see her sitting there with her eyes closed focusing.

He stretched out his fingers subtly trying to connect with her through the force. "Try to feel it running through you." She heard Obi wans voice say but it wasn't external, it was inside of her own head she felt it as if he were putting a field around her mind protecting her from unwanted thoughts, but she couldn't feel the force, all she could sense was him, and his presence.

He felt a sudden rush of an overwhelming feeling in his chest. It was heavy and gut turning, his eyes snapped open and looked over at the girl. She had felt his presence leave and she in turn opened her eyes to see Obi-Wan with a concerned look on his face.

He thought he had a vision about the girls future and it looked to be painful, emotionally. Quickly he recovered and nodded his head at the girl not wanting to scare her.

He looked out the large window noticing one of the suns had already began to rise only then noticing how long the two had spent together.

"I'd best get back to my mother and make sure she and my brother are okay." She stood up on her feet brushing herself off feeling slightly awkward for the first time since meeting this Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"I'll be sure to let Qui-Gon know about you as soon as your brother wins his race in a few hours." Y/n's head shot up after hearing that and was praying she heard that incorrectly or was misinterpreting what he was saying. "Race? What race?"

"We arrived on Boontas eve, correct?" He asked not seeing anything wrong with what he was saying only for what the girl said next to confirm that he should have kept his mouth shut.

"Shit! That little nuisance. I'm so sorry!" She grumbled, picking up the robe and running out the door in the hopes of stopping her brother before he got himself killed.

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