Escaping the truth.

Depuis le début

Gibbs strolled over to a wooden chair in the middle of the room. He moved it closer to me, before sitting down face to face. Intimidating me with his stare. 

"I was protecting you, you were better off without me." I muttered, unable to look him in the eye without feeling guilty.

" what about Abby? You left her distraught!! And tony... Well.... You left him heart broken."

As silence echoed, I lifted my eyes to look at him now, heart racing with anger at what he was inferring. That I'd chosen to run away? Words suddenly poured out my mouth before I realised what I was saying " like you haven't lied to someone you cared for? Just ask jenny?, you think I don't know? She told me about you! Told me Everything..." This time it was gibbs who fell silent. He flinched away, Body moving backwards from me. I'd obviously struck a nerve. Swinging backwards his chair toppled over smashing on to the stained wooden floor. The clatter shattering the air as it crashed.  pacing away upset, gibbs stopped only to turn and shout  " just don't wait too long! Nothing lasts forever. " then he was gone. I sat there, comprehending his actions.   

After all the years gone, only one of the directors had made an attempt to give me updates on how everyone was, what was happening there. Director jenny Shepard. We bonded over the stories of the past. That's when she had let it slip about her and Gibbs. At first she didn't reveal much, only talking about how caring and charming he was. But over time I became her release, whenever she need to talk I was there for her, a shoulder to cry on. The last time we met she told me she still loved him, and that one day in the future I should tell him that for her. She refused to answer why she couldn't do it herself. It was the last time we saw each other.  Something serious must have happened since I had last spoken with director Shepard. Leon Vance had taken her place as director, and i never saw or talked to her again. She just disappeared. Gibbs's reaction to her name though had said it all. All these years I'd hoped she'd retired and moved away. It was clear something awful had happened. I felt guilty about bringing her up. It was evident Gibbs still loved her too. 

I placed my hand into the black jacket still wrapped around my shoulders. Crinkled ten dollar notes curling around my sore fingers. 

"You'd better not be stealing any." A voice echoed from the door way, "I know how much is in there." It was tony, his joking tone recognisable from miles away. He was no longer, as angry as earlier which was a surprise but still a relief. Strolling towards me he dumped a takeaway bag on my lap before picking up the knocked over chair and sitting with me. He too had a bag of food. "Eat it then kate, don't want to starve."he muttered before stuffing his mouth with takeaway. Swirling pieces of noodle, swishing about on his fork. I was too distracted to eat. Earlier tony had been to angry to look me in the eye, now he was having dinner with me like best friends. Something wasn't right. Placing the bag on the table I turned towards the large bay window behind me. The busy streets of LA noisily below. Jenny was still on my mind. "What happened to jenny?" I asked him, eyes still watching people beneath me. I could hear tony gulping down his noodles before He cleared his throat to speak. "She died, shot in a shoot-out here in la. Why? You know her?" He asked. I knew he would ask but still That last question was hard to explain. "We spoke a lot years ago," I started  "she would tell me how things were going but one day she just stopped. She never spoke to me again..." I turned to face him now when I spoke, gaging his reaction. Trying to get more information from his face. Useless. he didn't even wince. The awkward silence continued between us, until I broke it continuing with our conversation "She told me about.... ziva. How she replaced me and Abo-" tony cut me off, interrupting my speech. I'd obviously struck another nerve and said something I shouldn't. "just eat your food" he snapped. 

Usually his orders wouldn't control me but in this instance I knew not to push it. Just like with Gibbs, some things are better left unsaid. We continued our meals in silence, the only sound from the slushing and slipping of the noodles against the saliva in our mouths. I sensed the anger from earlier returning to tony. Resent the only emotion showing. I believed  it was a good time to leave. Grabbing my shoes from next to his chair, I persisted to the door, already worrying from the prospect of having to walk the whole way home this late into the day. However, Just like earlier I was stopped by Gibbs before I could reach it. "DiNozzo didn't tell ya did he?" Gibbs asked sarcastically, his arm already pulling me back to the couch. tell me what I pondered?  tony was already speaking before I had the chance "No not yet boss, you see we were eat- " Gibbs's hand colliding with the back of Tonys head cut him off. " I don't care. Just tell her" Gibbs said, sternly giving him the famous Gibbs stare. the expressions on both their faces now beginning to fill me with fear. Whether tony told me or not I wasn't sure it was something I wanted to hear. 

Sorry it takes so long for updates! :( I will be more active with updating I promise!!

Ncis : Facing the Past. (Ncis fan fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant