Chapter 15

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******hey y'all hey I know I been away for a minute but I'm be honest once you fall off from writing it's hard to get back on , so I'm getting my feelings for it back so here is the chapter and plenty more to come keep commenting love y'all ❤️***************
Fatima said bye to the ladies and got in the car when she got a incoming call from Zac
Fatima: hey babe
Zac: DAMMMM you look good you know what the natural hair do for me
Fatima: thanks babe I just love you
Zac: you was just mad at me earlier
Fatima: my ass still hurting I'm still mad but even when I'm mad at you I still love you
Zac: mmmmmm baby meet me at the altar in your white dress
Before Zac could finish Fatima started filling the next lyric
Fatima: we ain't getting no younger we might as well do it
Zac bust out laughing
Zac: you silly you know that are just leaving Danni house how was that
Fatima: ooooow ummmmm so I have to tell you something in person and how about andi is engaged and the person is my brother small world
Zac: damn LC and chippy got kids everywhere
Fatima : aha shut up they built their relationship in Miami you will meet him today and the rest of the gang
Zac: ok babe how far are you out do you want to meet at the house or go straight to the jet
Fatima: ummmmmmmm straight to the jet since I'm already heading that way
Zac: ok see you in a good 30
Fatima: ok please be careful know how you drive
Zac: Fatima please you are worse than me please babe
Fatima: whooo meeee noooo
Zac: yes yooou
Fatima: Zac bye I'll se you in a second
Some time had pass and Fatima and Zac are now at the personal jet , Zac looked at it as a good idea because he never had to deal with people surrounding his space , waiting in lines. Zac felt as though he's a business man and he needed one , Fatima on the other hand just love the energy it gave and the vibe , mmmmm I love dealing with a rich nigga Fatima thought as her and Zac was walking up to the plane

(Inside the plane)

(Inside the plane)

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Fatima: mmmmmm papi who run it Zac: I do Fatima: nope I'm need it a little louder I couldn't hear you I SAID PAPI WHO RUN IT Zac: I DO !!!Fatima: trying to tell ya Fatima kisses Zac , as they was getting settled on the jet Fatima felt this feeling...

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Fatima: mmmmmm papi who run it
Zac: I do
Fatima: nope I'm need it a little louder I couldn't hear you I SAID PAPI WHO RUN IT
Zac: I DO !!!
Fatima: trying to tell ya
Fatima kisses Zac , as they was getting settled on the jet Fatima felt this feeling out of nowhere causing her to feel very nauseous that she had to sit down
Fatima : yeah babe feeling kinda sick umm pass me a club soda , water and some crackers need something on my stomach
Zac: FATIMA did you eat today ?
Fatima : forgot all about
Zac: Fatima this is serious you was stumbling a little bit
Fatima : I'm fine Zac
Zac: yeah Fatima ok here put your legs up her and lay back
Fatima: yes daddy
Zac: nope nope don't do that daddy shit cause you no you was wrong by not eating and trying to end the conversation
Fatima: ahaaaa ok ok you got me
Zac: yeah yeah so what you had to tell me in person
Fatima take a sip of her soda
Fatima: I ask blue to be my right hand and I will have to do something I told madam I would never do
Zac: run Eden huh
Fatima : how did you know that
Zac: you told me when we first meet that your cousin wanted you to take over but you didn't want that lifestyle
Fatima: wooooow you remember that
Zac: I remember everything about you and anything you have told me
Fatima begins to blush
Fatima: I love you
Zac: and I love you princess
Fatima: Zac I almost passed out and I'm still sore I need to take a nap
Zac: well what's stopping you huh
Fatima: papi please we have already join the mile high club multiple times let's take rest
Zac: ok well you go head and go to the room I'll be there in a second I'm call my brother and I'll come and lay beside you
Fatima: ok cause babe I don't know what going on but I'm not feeling my best
Zac: you think you are pregnant cause you know that don't call me a shooter for nothing
Fatima whole body froze she hasn't thought about being pregnant she hasn't even remembered having a cycle she made a mental note to talk to the family doctor when she and Zac land
Zac: how do you feel about that
Fatima was now getting settled in the bed
Fatima: I want to have kids you know that and I want to experience all of that with you but babe do you feel as though having a child right now would be a good idea based on us knowing mf are coming for us
Zac: Fatima what would be the perfect time huh ? Babe I'll set this whole world on fire behind you and any baby that come out of that body of yours you know that right
Fatima: yes I do and I love you for that the last man that had that gift took it and turnt it so dark that kids was always in the back of my mind
Zac: well I'm not him and never will be his lame ass
Fatima : I know babe
Zac: but do you believe it
Fatima : without a shadow of doubt
Zac: ok mami take rest I'll be back in a minute
Fatima: ok
Zac went back to the couch and call his brother
Tyler: yooo yooooooo
Zac: wassup brother
Tyler: nothing man just making money where the hell you at
Zac: on the jet about to head to Miami got to talk to Fatima parents about the ace of spades
Tyler: oooooh shit you nervous
Zac: hell yeah man
Tyler bust out laughing
Tyler : I already knew that
Zac: pause that conversation tell me why 12 came
Tyler: call me the house on fire asap niggga
(Translation- call me on the burner phone )
Zac: yoooooo
Tyler: what the hell that want
Zac: asking about Rodney
Tyler: they came to me too look bro I did some digging that nigga wasn't who he said he was
Zac: what the hell you saying
Tyler : that nigga was family with the most ruthless cartel
Zac: idgaf about none of that Tyler respect going always wins if they come to me straight truth you know me I don't run from shit
Tyler: ok ace but let me hear Zac response
Zac: nigga the answer stand the same
Tyler: whatever bro have fun with the family I got to go
Zac ending his conversation with his brother and headed to where Fatima was sleeping like a baby Zac leaned down and kissed her forehead then her lips
Fatima: papi
Zac: yes baby
Fatima: come lay down my love
Zac did exactly that got comfortable in the bed and then Fatima got real comfortable she instantly lays her head on his chest she felt very safe , as Fatima was laying there she found herself fast asleep zac knew Fatima was sleep and he loved watching her sleep but what Zac loved the most is he can tell her anything and she would never know
Fatima I love you with everything in me I done did a lot of wrong things in my life but you , I know I got it right you are my wife everything I own is yours , before I told you about ace I wanted out babe I was having thing in place to be out the game completely, when you asked me earlier about our future kids I couldn't even imagine people are coming in babe in every direction I just pray that my soul is clean continue to cover me as I protect you, you remember I told you about what my grandfather said about life insurance policy you didn't understand but Fatima baby your memory is all you going to need to understand it I will never leave you ............
Zac and Fatima had slept the whole hour of the flight when they woke up they was in Miami,
Zac:Babe !!!!
Fatima: mmmmmm
Zac: get up babe we here
Fatima: zac I really don't feel like moving can we just lay here please babe
Zac: Princess we can't do that your mom and dad is waiting on us how about this if we can leave right now we might can go to your favorite place
Fatima: GUCCI you got me let's go
Zac: hold up hold up didn't you just say "Zac I really don't feel good"
Fatima: yeah babe that was then this is now come on
Zac: how do you feel and be honest
Fatima: still a little woozy but I'm good I'll let you know babe
Zac: ok let's go
Zac and Fatima spent a hour and a half inside Gucci , Zac was enjoying every minute of it , normally he hates going shopping with Fatima because she doesn't know how to stop but today was a special day and Fatima wasn't feeling so well , meanwhile Fatima and Zac was now on their way to Fatima parents house , chippy decided this was a special day let's have a small get together on the yacht only family to welcome Fatima back home and meet the new love in her life , Fatima and Zac was now pulling up to Fatima old stomping grounds

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