The Watchman of the Underworld

Start from the beginning

"Roger." Then the line went dead.

"They're all going to forget about Styx once we use Lethe, aren't they?" Ortho said.

"Yup. Not even Styx tech can turn back time. So we use Lethe to rewrite a few discreet memories that won't cause any inconsistencies. Subjects A through E will think they got a special request from a university hospital in the Kingdom of Heroes...and that they agreed to help them with a study on blot. People say that mages don't come back from the Island of Woe. And of course they don't. In their minds, they were never there to begin with."

The boy was silent for a second, before looking at him, "Will they forget that we played video games together?"

"Absolutely. They won't remember me being the acting director here, either. I'll just be the same ol' gloomy, nerdy shut-in to them. Then again, that's what they'd think even if they did remember this." He grinned with a chuckle. The boy looked at him with an angered look, which he took note of, "...Ortho?"

His eyes widen, "What?"

"You seem a bit off. Are you feeling okay? Maybe your technomantic circuits are out of whack, or something's up with your reactor. Want me to run maintenance, just in case?"

He waved his arms around, "No, that's okay! Nothing's wrong with my body. Your work is as flawless as ever. Maybe I'm just still processing memories from all these unusual experiences."

"Are you sure? Well, I guess you could say so..."

"I'm going to go check on Rook-san's group at the training facility. I'll let them know we gave Vil-san the cosmetics."

"Oh, sure. Knock yourself out."

Ortho then went out the door.

"Hmm..." He muttered, staring at the now closed door.


"What can I do to make sure zero doesn't stay zero...?" Ortho said.

—Would you like me to tell you?—

"Huh?! Who's there?!" He looked around, looking for the person.

Come here. This way.

"It sounds like it's coming from Tartarus...Are you a Phantom?!"

You want to know what you can do, right?

Black mist was around the hall, making the boy dazed, "...Yes. I want to change the future so badly."

Then come closer. Come down here.

Ortho then started to move, one location in mind.


That's right...Keep moving...Down...Down...

He walked down and down the facility.


Into the deep, dark, frigid underground...

He went through another door, before looking around, "Hello?"

He heard laughter coming from all around.

"...Are you there?"

Yes. I've been here since long before you were born. But I was never lonely. After all, I have so many friends down here.


I want you—well, really...I want everyone in the world to be our friend. Then...We won't need this cage anymore. Nii-chan will be free!

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