Nurses Office

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Shuichi fainted in his chair and almost fell to the ground. Luckily I was sitting next to him so I was able to get up and catch him before he did. I stood looking down at the unconscious boy in my arms in shock, did he really just..faint? I knew he couldn’t handle much teasing which is why when we were growing up together I always toned it down to a minimum. I thought he would be able to handle it better when he grew up but I guess not.  

kaede and Kaito just stared at him in surprise, not making a single sound before...

"Wha..AHHHHHHHH" Kaede screamed out, making everyone in the cafeteria turn to look in our direction. It seems like she just realized what happened.

Kaede's scream also seemed to alert the cafeteria staff, and one came up to us.

"What happened over here?" The woman spoke up to Kaede

"H-He.." was all she could manage to say, making the woman turn to where we were, since Kaede had pointed to Shuichi when she spoke.

"What happened to him?" The woman asked me.

"He fainted Miss," I said in a relaxed tone.

"Oh my! Come with me, allow the nurse to handle the situation" the woman offered.

I stood up with the unconscious boy in my arms, and followed the woman to the nurses office.

As we stepped into the room we saw a blonde girl with a ponytail yelling at the nurse.

"You nasty, trashy pigshit!" She yelled as the nurse was beginning to tear up.

What on earth is going on here-

"Ah, Nurse Mikan?" I called out as the cafeteria staff woman began walking away.

"E-Eek! U-Uh hello R-Rantaro! Wh-What h-happened t-to Sh-Shuichi this t-t-time?" She stuttered out.

"He fainted" I stated.

"O-Oh my! Please put him on one of the beds! I'll do my best to find out what may have caused it" She requested.

Well I already know most of what happened so I don't see the harm in hearing the exact scientific reason.

"Alright Nurse Mikan, Bye for now" I nodded and walked out of the nurse's office.

"G-Goodbye R-R-Rantaro!" I heard her stutter as I walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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