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Shuichi pov

I woke in a cold sweat, another nightmare I guess.

I've been having nightmares for years on end, they were all different but all focused on one specific topic.

They all had different outcomes but all of them ended with everyone I care about dying in front of me, and then, the me in the nightmares killing themself from the stress.

There were a few deaths in particular that always made my heart shatter to the ground no matter how many times I saw them die, I always felt like crying seeing the different ways they all faced their inevitable deaths.

The deaths of my mother, uncle, Kaede, Rantaro and Kaito. I cared about those people the most, which probably explains why those hurt the most to witness. Kaede, Rantaro, Miu and Kaito were my childhood friends, although I normally spoke mostly to Kaito, Kaede and Rantaro and I still do.

Kaede and Kaito were my friends for the longest so I told them what had happened to me when I was younger and they always supported me, of course they still had troubles of their own but they didn't mind listening to mine, though I feel Kaito's might slowly be corrupting his personality.

Kaito's a nice friend, but ever since he found out he had a younger brother he was separated from at birth he became a bit more aggressive than usual, normally if me or Kaede were bullied he would yell at the persons who did it but after he found out about his brother he started reacting more violently and would punch them instead of just yelling.

I had never met my father, nor did I ever know what happened to him. I think mother said he left but I don't remember what she said his reason was, I think she said either for the memes or for the milk. I always follow my mother to the grocery store just to make sure she doesn't leave like he did.

Truth is, they're not my biological parents, my current mother adopted me after finding my father above my real mom's corpse. I didn't understand at the time but he had killed his own wife in cold blood, and intended to do the same to me if my adoptive mother didn't see the situation and call the police. I had witnessed that incident but I never understood what had happened until I got older.

My biological uncle knew my current mother, he actually was the first person the police had sent me to after my dad was arrested, apparently a year after my father broke out of prison and killed my uncle. That was the second time I almost died but by that time I knew that if he came back I should call the police, so after making a narrow escape from my father I was able to call the police, although they had a hard time understanding me since I was just a child and couldn't speak well but they understand what I was hinting at after I mentioned my father.

Mother adopted me after finding out my father had gotten arrested again and that he attacked me again. He had slashed out my left eye with a knife which caused me to get surgery at a young age to get a replacement eye. Mother paid for it which left her in immense poverty until she got a raise from her job after her boss found out what she had done for me, spending that large sum of money so that I would be able to live like a normal child.

She had grown ill due to an odd illness that started spreading and often would cough up blood. I'm afraid she might not live for long so I always take care of her, especially since she has issues standing due to her age. Surprisingly, she's actually 105 years old, I really wonder how she's lived so long with her illness.

Even though she got my original father arrested and adopted me, I still have a scar from the incident. Before the police arrived, my father had sliced my arm multiple times, just to see my blood drip. He wasn't necessarily kill-happy, he just had an odd obsession with blood which led to a more serious situation. I assume that's probably why I've never liked being too close to sharp objects unless I need to cook.

They went for a drink but found something much sweeter💚💜💙 ~Saioumami~Where stories live. Discover now