Chapter 19

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"I heard everything" Beomgyu said.

"What am I going to do now knowing how Yeonjun feels about me? Avoid him? Confess about how I feel about him? Even though I'm still not 100% sure how I feel?" Beomgyu said whispering on the phone call. He was sitting in Yeonjun's bathroom hiding from him.

"Calm down Gyu It isn't that bad do you ever feel anything when you're kissing him? Butterflies or anything?" Wooyoung asked on the other end of the line. "Yeah I guess so."

"Bam there you go you feel something for him." Wooyoung said. "Or I could just be sexually attracted to him." Before Beomgyu could say anything else there was a knock on the bathroom door it was Yeonjun. "Are you almost done Gyu I feel like I'm going to piss myself hurry up!"

"I've gotta go Woo I'll call you back later."

Beomgyu quickly hung up the phone and took a deep breath, trying to compose himself before opening the door. He stepped out of the bathroom and faced Yeonjun, who was tapping his foot impatiently.

"Sorry, I'll be quick," Beomgyu said, trying to hide his nervousness. As he walked past Yeonjun, he couldn't help but feel a flutter in his chest. He wasn't sure if it was just attraction or something more, but he knew he couldn't ignore it.

As he went back to Yeonjun's room, Beomgyu's mind was racing. He knew he had to talk to Yeonjun about what he heard, but he wasn't sure how to bring it up. But he couldn't keep living in this uncertainty, not when he cared about Yeonjun so much.

Taking a deep breath, Beomgyu turned to Yeonjun and said, "There's something I need to talk to you about."

Yeonjun raised his eyebrow, looking at Beomgyu curiously. "Yeah, sure. What is it?" he asked, his tone casual.

Beomgyu's heart was racing as he tried to figure out how to say what he needed to say. But before he could gather his courage, Yeonjun's phone rang, interrupting them. Yeonjun picked it up and started talking, leaving Beomgyu to wait anxiously.

As the minutes ticked by, Beomgyu grew more and more restless. He kept rehearsing what he wanted to say in his head, trying to find the right words. But every time he thought he had it figured out, he second-guessed himself.

After what felt like an eternity, Yeonjun hung up the phone and turned to Beomgyu. "Sorry about that," he said with a small smile. "What was it you wanted to talk about?"

Beomgyu took a deep breath, feeling his palms starting to sweat. "Actually, can we talk about it later?" he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm not feeling too good right now."

Yeonjun looked at him with concern. "Of course. Do you want me to get you something? Water, maybe?"

Beomgyu shook his head. "No, it's fine. I think I'll just go home and lie down for a bit."

As he left Yeonjun's room, Beomgyu couldn't help but feel disappointed in himself. He had chickened out, and he wasn't sure if he would ever be able to tell Yeonjun how he felt.

Yeonjun couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. He had sensed that something was bothering Beomgyu, and he had hoped that they could talk about it. But he didn't want to push Beomgyu if he wasn't ready to talk.

Sighing, Yeonjun sat down on his bed and thought about Beomgyu. He had been attracted to him from the moment they had met, but he had never been sure if Beomgyu felt the same way. Part of him wanted to take a chance and tell Beomgyu how he felt face to face, but he was afraid of ruining their friendship, or whatever relationship it was they have.

As he pondered his feelings, Yeonjun's phone beeped, indicating that he had a new message. He picked it up and saw that it was from Beomgyu.

"I'm sorry for leaving like that. Can we talk later?"

Yeonjun smiled, feeling a glimmer of hope. Maybe Beomgyu was ready to talk about what was bothering him. He quickly texted back, "Of course. Take care of yourself, okay?"

As he put his phone down, Yeonjun realized that he couldn't keep his feelings bottled up forever. He had to take a chance and tell Beomgyu how he felt, even if it meant risking their relationship. He just hoped that Beomgyu felt the same way.

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