Chapter 15

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"Hey Yeonjun. Why didn't you talk to me in class?" Beomgyu asked as he walked up to Yeonjun. "Well maybe because I didn't want anymore strikes." Yeonjun said laughing a little. "Oh right, well when are we supposed to be going on this date?" Beomgyu asked. "Tomorrow." Yeonjun answered.

"Oh okay. I think I know why you made this date so early." Beomgyu said. "Yeah so I could go on this date as quick as possible so I don't get anymore strikes." Yeonjun said pouting. "Aw I'm sure you'd do just fine lasting till Saturday." Beomgyu said patting his head jokingly. Yeonjun just smiled. "But tomorrow is fine I'll be there." Beomgyu said. "I'm picking you up." Yeonjun said before leaving not giving Beomgyu enough time to say anything. Beomgyu grumbled before turning around and leaving out the building.


"Hi Gyu welcome back." Soobin said smiling. Kai's face lit up so bright when he saw Beomgyu he ran to hug Beomgyu. "Hi Kai I missed you." Beomgyu said as he hugged him back. Kai pulled out of the hug suddenly.

"What's the matter?" He asked. Beomgyu let out a long sigh. "It's just my friend Taehyun won't talk to me and I don't know why." Beomgyu said pouting. "Oh that isn't good." Kai said.

"Did you do something to upset him? Something you know he doesn't like?" Soobin asked. Beomgyu shook his head. "I know what he likes and what he doesn't like and I try not to upset him because he's a really nice person." Beomgyu said. "Well then I'm not really sure why he'd be mad." Soobin said. "Maybe it was because of someone else, or something else." Kai said reassuringly. Beomgyu nodded in agreement. "Maybe."


Beomgyu looked in the mirror at his outfit for this date with Yeonjun. He didn't even know why he was trying to look so good for him. It was a lot on his mind about how this date with Yeonjun was going to go, and why Taehyun still wasn't talking to him. But besides all of that Beomgyu at least wanted to give his full attention to Yeonjun. And speaking of the devil as soon as he was done with his hair Yeonjun called.

Beomgyu answered the phone. 'Hey I was just calling to see if you were ready I was on my way.' Yeonjun said, he sounded really excited about to the whole thing. 'Yeah I am. Thanks for calling beforehand I'll see you in a bit.' Beomgyu said before hanging up.

About 20 minutes later Yeonjun came knocking on the door. Beomgyu opened the door to Yeonjun leaning at the door frame, and let's just say he looked super hot, but of course Beomgyu couldn't say that aloud.

"You look... Decent." Yeonjun said with a pause as he looked Beomgyu up and down he was being careful with his choice of words. "Why the pause?" Beomgyu asked. "I didn't want to get a strike." Yeonjun said. Beomgyu laughed. "I wasn't serious about the strikes I was going to go with you no matter what." Beomgyu said as he put on his coat.

"Oh so you do like me." Yeonjun said wiggling his eyebrows. Beomgyu put up 2 fingers. "That's your second strike." Beomgyu said in a jokingly manner. Yeonjun put his hands up. "I surrender. You ready?" He asked. Beomgyu nodded before walking out of the house to the car.


Beomgyu and Yeonjun arrived to their destination and it wasn't a restaurant, and Beomgyu loved that it wasn't. He usually wanted the first date to be fun and entertaining, and then the fourth date to be more calm and romantic, not that he thought of Yeonjun in a romantic way, or that they would ever go on a fourth date. He was just glad Yeonjun thought the same thing. "Do you like arcades?" Yeonjun asked as they walked into the building. Beomgyu nodded his head. "Of course I do."

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