Rocket Man

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Elton John stood backstage, his heart pounding in his chest as he peered out into the sea of 10,000 faces eagerly awaiting his arrival. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves that threatened to consume him. Even after all these years of performing, he still felt a surge of adrenaline every time he stepped on stage.

He closed his eyes and thought back to the days when he first started out, playing in small bars and clubs with just a handful of people in the audience. He had worked his way up from there, honing his craft and building a loyal following along the way.

But no matter how many times he had done it before, there was always a sense of uncertainty before a big show. What if he forgot the words to a song? What if his voice cracked in the middle of a high note? What if the audience didn't respond to his performance?

He opened his eyes and looked at his bandmates, who were all dressed in their flamboyant stage outfits, ready to rock the house. They gave him a nod of encouragement, and Elton felt a surge of confidence wash over him. He put his shiny glasses on.

He took another deep breath and stepped out onto the stage, the crowd erupting into cheers as soon as they caught sight of him. He grinned widely and waved to his fans, feeling a rush of excitement as he settled behind his grand piano.

As he launched into the first song of the night, Elton let himself get lost in the music, his fingers dancing across the keys as his voice soared through the venue. The audience sang along with him, their energy and enthusiasm fueling his performance.

For the next two hours, Elton poured his heart and soul into his music, belting out hit after hit with passion and intensity. By the time he reached the end of his set, he was drenched in sweat and completely exhausted, but also incredibly satisfied.

As he took his final bow and the crowd roared its approval, he realised that he was exactly where he was meant to be. He was a performer, an artist, and nothing made him feel more alive than being on stage, sharing his music with the world. And as he walked off stage, he knew that he couldn't wait to do it all over again. After all... he was the Rocket Man.

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