"Yes, you are." I said. "You will never convince me otherwise."

He sighed. I kissed his hand.

"Why did you do that?" He asked.

"To see how you'd react." I answered. "You didn't and I'm very disappointed by that."

{A Few Days Later}

We had dueling club yesterday. We've managed to get Porter in but he absolutely sucks at dueling. Archer actually ranked everyone. Alador's at the top, then it's Raine, next Eda, following her is Eber and I at a tie, then Lilith, and finally Porter.

An explosion came from the potions class and everyone rushed out.

"Edalyn?" Alador asked.

"Definitely." I said.

"Hi, Alador." Odalia greeted attempting to sound sweet and innocent but actually sounding condescending.

Alador just walked away and I followed.

"Just ignoring her now, huh?" I asked.

"Of course. She does get that I don't like her." Alador said. "Maybe I should tell her I'm seeing someone."

"Is that your way of asking if you can tell people we're together?" I asked.

"Yes." He said. "What's the harm? Raine, Edalyn, and Eber already pretty much know. No one in the group really cared when Raine and Edalyn were outed as dating."

"The group isn't the problem." I said.

"Then who is?" He asked.(⚠️TW⚠️)

As if on que, a random student called me the f slur.

"The rest of the school is." I said.

"I can handle it." He said. "I'm not fragile."

"I've seen you breakdown because of an A-." I reminded him.

"That's different! That's grades. You know I have issues when it comes to low grades." Alador said. "And I have you so I know I can handle what people say."

"Alright, you may have a point there." I said.

"So we can tell people we're boyfriends?" He asked, excitedly.

"Has having a boyfriend settled in yet?" I asked.

"It has...not." he admitted, not nearly as excited.

"Let it settle in first, then we can tell people." I said.

"Fine." Alador sighed.

He smiled at me.

"You're my boyfriend. It's so weird to say but also so exciting. Boyfriend. The word itself is exciting." He told me. "Boyfriend. Boy. Friend. Boyfriend. Boyfriend. So awesome! I'm a boy dating another boy. I have a boyfriend. A. Boy. Friend. Boy. Friend. Boy. Friend."

He kept going and I laughed. He's cute when he's happy. I felt something on my arm and looked over to see Alador had bitten me. He let go and his face went red from embarrassment.

"Sorry. I got too excited." He admitted.

"It's fine." I assured him.

I ruffled his hair and he smiled. I wiped his spit off my sleeve. He looked concerned then opened his school bag. Ben and Ace were asleep inside it. He let out a relieved sigh. We're not supposed to have our palismen out during school hours but Ben and Ace don't like being put away for long periods of time. We just hide them in Alador's school bag during classes.

"They've been quiet for awhile so I got nervous." He admitted. "You know, I've been wondering palisman can fall in love."

"If they can, those two definitely did." I said. "They're practically inseparable."

"It's cute though." He said.

He put his hand over my mouth.

"Do not say it." He told me.

{A Couple Hours Later}

Alador and I walked around the town square. Someone ran past us, bumping into Alador and knocking him into the fountain.

"Sorry!" The person said and kept running.

Adrian. He definitely did that on purpose.

I helped Alador out of the fountain. He spit out water.

"Ah, man. Now I have to go home and change!" Alador sighed.

"No, you don't. I keep an extra set of clothes on me at all times." I told him.

{A Little While Later}

I knocked on the bathroom stall.

"Are you done yet?" I asked.

"Either your clothes are big or I'm small." Alador answered, opening the door.

I tried not to laugh. Alador's shorter than me so my clothes are long on him. It made him look smaller.

"You look so small." I teased. "Now don't get those dirty or I'll be mad."

"I won't." He rolled his eyes. "I promise."

He kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you for letting me borrow your clothes." He said.

"You're welcome, Surdoué." I told him. "And you needed to get out of that uniform. It's covered in old, dried abomination slime. Filthy. You wear it every day, even when it's not a school day."

"I don't have time for laundry." He rolled his eyes.

"You don't know how to use a washer or dryer, do you?" I asked.

"I do! I said I just don't have time for laundry. Inventing and studying takes time." He told me.

He crossed his arms and I laughed. I kissed his cheek.

"Cutie." I teased.

"I'm not cute..." He mumbled.

"No, you are cute." I noted.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the bathroom.

"Now, let's get back to our afternoon, Cutie." I suggested.

He rolled his eyes and nodded.

"I'm not cute though." He replied.

Partners In Crime(Dalador/Aladarius)[The Owl House]Where stories live. Discover now