Chapter 8: Elizabeth's Birthday!

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Logan and Aubrey are still in his kitchen, only difference is she's sitting at the kitchen island while Logan is facing her, coffee now beside him but he's not drinking it, his hands gripped to the counter top behind him while he leaned and answered her question.

Aubrey: You have to tell Elizabeth. He's her son, she needs to know.

Logan told Aubrey everything that's happened, they found it a few months ago at a random check up, so there isn't much danger and according to the doctor's, he's actually taking a good turn, maybe one or two more appointments and he should be clear.

Logan: You and I both know that telling Lizzie is the last thing that boy needs right now.

Aubrey sighed as she put her head in her hands, he has a point, Elizabeth will just worry and probably scare the boy more, not saying she'd mean too but she can be a little over protective, especially since she's trying to be better for them all.

Aubrey: How is he? With the whole thing.

Logan gave a small shrug as he took the coffee cup into his hands, Aubrey already knows what they did last night, before you make any theory's, last night did not lead to Jason having a little brother or sister, that comes later.

Logan: He's scared. As far as he knows, Lizzie knows and seeing her smiling, laughing and having fun, is pretty much the only thing he looks forward too...

Logan took his cup, placed it on the island opposite Aubrey then sat down, the look he was giving her wasn't something she's seen Logan give before, he's normally smiling, laughing and being a real wholesome guy, now though he's pretty much pleading with her.

Logan: ... You tell Lizzie about this and that will change. You know the best thing for that boy is for Lizzie not to know. No one hates lying to her more then me but it's for Jason, not us.

Logan pretty much begged her not to tell Elizabeth and after hearing him say that, how could she tell her, on one hand she has to lie to her best friend then on the other is break a little boy's heart, one thing she does know though, is Logan will tell her as soon as Jason's safe.

Aubrey: Okay fine, I won't tell her...

Logan smiled to her happy to hear she's on board with keeping it to herself, it's not a fair thing to ask her and he knows it, but Jason is scared of what's happening and he thinks that keeping the real Elizabeth Olsen around Jason will help him get through this then, Aubrey's onboard with this.

Aubrey: ... But once it's over, you have to come clean.

Logan nodded as he sipped from the coffee cup, Aubrey loves Jason as much as they do so she's not going to tell Elizabeth till he's okay, it might seem bad not telling Elizabeth but it is for the best, she'd start treating him like he's made of glass and that will just freak the 6 year old out even more.

Aubrey: One more thing, what's with the injections?

Aubrey assumed that it was Logan with the Cancer since Elizabeth told her she found the medication in his bathroom and the needle marks on his arm, Logan held his right arm out slightly showing the under part of his elbow, he hummed while moving the coffee cup from his mouth.

Logan: Jason has had to get a few blood tests over these past couple weeks. He was scared so I get them done before he does to show him there's nothing to worry about.

Logan's needle marks are still pretty prominent, although Jason's aren't, she's seen the boys underarms and there are no traces of needle points, almost like he's never had a blood test at all, Logan has marked quite easily though since the Batman movies.

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