Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"It's been a week since I uploaded my story online and look what I've got" Riley Skyler an inexperienced writer showed the numbers to her friend Bingo, while they were browsing the internet one afternoon at Riley's house.

"39 reads" she laughed. "Not bad for a beginner."

"Valerie, have you read this?" Riley with narrowed eyes, she used to call her Bingo but whenever she's vexed with her childhood friend she'll call her Valerie. Bingo just rolled her eyeballs. "Yeah, I know you didn't." Riley sneered.

"Yes, I will. I just don't have time." Bingo laughed. "don't lose heart my friend, it's just your first story." she comforted while slightly tapping her back.

"I wrote this story for 3 months, and all I've got is 39 reads?" she irritatedly shut down her laptop. "And I checked the new story of Jean Walters, after a week her reads reached hundred thousand. How did she do that? I'm not a fan of her stories, it's basically simple and it always end up happily ever after."

"That's what readers are so fond about, simple stories that will make them happy. Not like some complicated stories and ended up really bad. Who will read such story?" Bingo stretched and yawned.

"Are you talking about my stories?" Riley narrowed her eyes.

"No, of course not!" she exclaimed, knowing her friend Riley wrote lots of stories about mysteries, ghosts and aliens few years back.

"Yeah, I know I can't write a good story." she sighed.

"Don't think that way. Try to write a story that you want to happen in your life, a man of your dreams and how will you want to start your relationship with him, and put lots of emotions on it." Bingo tried to comfort her friend.

"Where did you learn that?" as she looked at Bingo with pouty lips.

"I've read some tips on story writing. I hope that helps."

"yeah, i'll try to edit my story and make a realistic one." she smiled

Riley Skyler was raised in a small town in Omaha, Nebraska. Her family runs a flower shop for all occasions and their house was just on the next floor above their shop. She's 29 and has a dream to write and publish her own books. While her mom and dad were busy cultivating soil and watering their plants, Riley was busy thinking of a new chapter for her incompetent story.

No one reads her stories, even Bingo her best friend whom she grew up with, doesn't want to waste time reading her account. She kept all her works for herself. Upon finishing her latest tale, she was convinced that her work can be placed in line with other successful stories that were published online, but sadly, she only got 39 reads and no one has read the last three parts of it. Which means no one wanted to finish reading her work.

She started another story, the one Bingo told her, simpler and she has to put her self in the scenario, how she'll feel, and how she wanted the story to run. She spent more time typing than helping her parents in the shop.

"Rai, you've been sighing more than a hundred times now." Luisa, her mom, told her while looking at the phone directory.

"If only your laptop can talk, it would yell at you and say I'm tired." Paul, her father said with a loud laugh.

"Mom, dad, I'm almost done." she scratched her head and sighed again. "I'm almost there, I'm so close, I can't stop now." she responded without looking at them and continued typing again.

"Why? do you have a due date for that?" Luisa laughed.

"No one will read that, so why waste your time honey" her dad added.

"I made this extra special, I know I can make thousand reads in just a couple of days." she boasted, but her parents just laughed silently at their places.

She spent 2 months to finish her new story, she read that over and over again to see if she could add something else or she should edit some parts. She visited her last uploaded story and the reads were nailed at 39. She sneered and deleted the entire story, she even deleted her account and made a new one. "This is a new beginning, a new me." as she was making a new account.

"Rai, stop hurting yourself." Bingo teased as they were on the flower shop alone, her parents went out for they were the florist for a wedding event that will be held that afternoon.

"Bingo are you a friend or are you my parents. I had enough insults from them. Get out of here." she rolled her eyeballs and sighed. "It's time, I have to upload all the parts at the same time, so they can read the whole story in a day." she smiled and feels very confident about her work.

"OK. What's that about? Fill me in." Bingo stood up from her seat and went near Riley.

"Alessandra is a daughter of a scientist in the National Institutes of Health named Jack Winer who was asked by the US government to formulate a vaccine for the virus that kills every healthy female in just 2 weeks. Jack made an injection not to cure an infected women but to preserve them in a fridge till the virus is completely gone then they will resuscitate them to bring them back to life. It was never tested and proven but Jack made a decision to give it to her daughter in an unfavorable situation. After a year the solution worked, she woke up and found by a soldier named Ryan. He hid her for she's the last woman alive on earth. They fell in love with each other."

"That's interesting." Bingo smiled. "And how long did this Ryan hid her, she's the last hope of he human race, he must do something about it. How will he then make it through? " she asked in succession.

"It's for you to find out Bing, it means you have to read it." Riley smiled and hit upload .

"You did well this time, huh." Bingo smiled and look on the title layout. "The Last Woman Alive... Make this a little catchy, friend."

"How will you do that?" She looked at Bingo and clipped her shoulders.

"Hmmm. Let me worry about that." she winked with a smile. Bingo is a graphic designer in a shop were she's currently working. It was her day off that's why she's at Riley's place.

"Really?" she said excitedly and kissed her on her both cheeks.

"Eeiiw Rai, did you just kissed me?" as she wiped her cheeks with a handkerchief she pulled from her pocket.

"I'm  just so excited Bing!" then she hugged her tight.

"OK, OK." as she pushed Riley a little away from her. "Tell me Rai, are you gay?"

"Of course not!" she pushed Bingo too and laughed. "I always hug and kiss you since we were kids."

They spent their whole afternoon uploading and making the layout which they were both excited about. They were interrupted every now and then when there were customers checking out or buying their items and asking about their services. "Ok let's call this a day Bing. Thanks for your help."

"OK, I'll just call you tomorrow for an update." she grabbed her bag and head directly to the front swing door. "take care, I suggest you close this shop early, you're alone." she waved her hand good bye and went out.

"Yeah, I will. Thanks again." as she smiled widely while she's waving goodbye.

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