Chapter 3: Red with rage? or sadness?

Start from the beginning

Darkrai: 'Is Darkrai

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Darkrai: 'Is Darkrai. The Pokemon god of nightmares... Now, I'll ask again. Why do you wish to know? And don't lie. There are no thoughts that can hide from my eyes...'

Rias: 'I'll admit, at first... I only wanted him in my peerage because I sensed his sacred gear. But the more I got to know him, granted, most of it was through Sona, the more I realized... He's hiding untold levels of anguish under that lazy smile. Now all I want is to help him. Even IF he hates me and my family.

Darkrai: '... Alright. I will show you. But be warned... You may never see your brother the same way again... Are you sure you're ready to see his past?'

Rias: 'Yes. I'm sure.'

Darkrai: 'Very well... DARK VOID!!!'

I suddenly feel really sleepy... When I close my eyes, I find myself... on a hill? outside a small town?

 on a hill? outside a small town?

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Darkrai: 'Welcome to Pallet Town... Before it was destroyed...'

Darkrai sounded somber when he said that... He then points to one of the houses where I see a small child playing outside.

Darkrai: 'You see that house over there? The one with the teal roof?'

Rias: 'yes?'

Darkrai: 'That is where Y/n lived as a child. If you look closely, you'll see the child playing alone is in fact Y/n.'

Rias: 'I don't understand, why show me a time where he is happy if I want to know why he's sad?'

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Rias: 'I don't understand, why show me a time where he is happy if I want to know why he's sad?'

Darkrai: 'Because... Joy can quickly dissolve into pain.'

As he finishes, the roof of Y/n's house bursts open to reveal...

Rias: 'SIRZECHS!?'

Darkrai: 'There is more. Pay attention.'

I look closer and see he's holding someone by the neck... wait... she almost looks like... Y/n... His mother?

SirZechs: If you won't join me, you're of no use to me! Now you'll know the wrath of a Satan!

Little Y/n is horrified! Why would he do this!? My own brother...

Darkrai: 'Pride. It kills the strong and poisons the weak. In the end...'

SirZechs fires a bolt of magic straight through her chest before dropping her and laying waste to Pallet Town. No one was spared...

Darkrai: 'The result is the same...'

The scenery around us changes to what can only be identified as... A hellscape.

The once pristine buildings, reduced to rubble. The formerly soft, lush grass. Now, charred and desolate... But...

Darkrai: 'Everyone suffers.'

Rias *tearing up*: 'What about Y/n?'

I see him clinging to what remained of his mother. The only thing I can hear over the crackling flames is his sobs... Well, it's just sniffling because of his muteness.

Darkrai: He didn't just kill his mother... He destroyed everything Y/n had. Friends, home... All of it.

Rias *crying*: 'Why... I knew he killed the seventeenth Red. Plus Y/n, according to him. But I didn't know he wiped out a whole TOWN! He said it was "quick and painless"!'

Darkrai: 'As I said. Pride. SirZechs may not look it, but he's gone mad with power. If he finds Y/n, he WILL kill him. Promise me, Rias. Before we see his next memory, promise me you'll keep him safe from your brother's grasp.'

Rias: *Sniffle* 'I promise...'

Darkrai: 'Thank you...'

A/n: Chapter 3 complete! After reading back through the previous chapters, I realized I never fully fleshed out Y/n's backstory outside of the short version in the bio. So I decided to correct that here. Next chapter will include the memory that caused y/n to hate ALL devils. 


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