Six | You Can Only Hide For So Long

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Hermes wrapped his arm around Jorja's neck into a chokehold and forcibly yanked her back taking a chunk of Jordan's hair with her as the woman's cries of pain escaped her throat from the burning pain in her head.

Deana immediately rushed over to her daughter and assisted to her, pulling her up onto her feet to pull her arm over her shoulder as Phillip did the same.

Everyone was in disbelief as they focused on Jorja still in a rage as she breathed heavily in Hermes's hold. Just outside their home was Orion's midnight black SRT Durango sitting outside in the driveway running as Jaylyn hurriedly got out. Trying to shut out what previously happened before the waterworks started in front of Toby.

Orion tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as the door slam shut, his eyes venturing to the rearview mirror on October. He tried to bite his tongue the whole ride but in his head this was all a set up from her sister and he was livid. Just prior, he let it be know. before the trio left the distressed home.

"I don't want that weird ass girl around here no more. That's yo' people Jay but I don't play them type of games especially when it come to where I lay my head at. What type of shit she got going on cause I threatened to kick her stupid ass out?!" His voice rose with every word as he continued pointing at the wrecked up house around them. Jaylyn dropped the shattered photo frame of the two boys as children that she'd been looking at as thoughts ran through her head and quickly turned on her heels to face the heated brother before her.

"You really think she'd do this because you threatened her? The world doesn't revolve around everything you do Orion, not everyone feeds off revenge like you do. My sister also has one more time to be disrespected when you have been making it HELL for us." Standing her ground, Jay stepped to him to let him know she was defending her sister. Orion didn't even try to get to know Jorja and it was proving that he was a real asshole.

He shrugged as his nostrils flared, Toby pushed in between the two and sighed.

"Don't even start this shit, let us take you to the crib until we figure this out Jay." She made a face at October as she realized what was going on. He wasn't even acknowledging the wrong of his brother and wanted to simmer the situation down without her around.

"You're siding with Orion?" Her question couldn't even settle in the air once she saw the look on his face. October was agreeing with his brother about Jorja after he couldn't figure out why his home looked the way it did. He didn't know much but what Jaylyn told him and the small bit from hanging with Jorja while still feeling as if his loyalty was owed to his brother before anyone.

October gave her a warning like look that he didn't want to have the conversation here and Jaylyn wasn't up for it.

"Okay. Yes, take me home." She brushed past him rudely and left the jammed door slamming behind her as she went out the door. His hand roughly brushed down his face as he took a deep breath, turning to his brother with a glare in his eye.

"I swear one of these days i'm going to just let your mouth fight you out yo' own battles, I swear to GOD." Toby shoved Orion roughly only for him to return it just as hard. Looking his brother up & down as if he lost his mind.

"I don't need no help and I'm not the one always getting us into some shit. Remember? This yo' doing nigga and it's on your tab when we get this shit cleaned up." Orion snarled as they took their exit out the house.

October ignored him while his eyes trailed onto the impatient woman before him. He knew he was going to be doing a lot of ass kissing after what just occurred with Roc. Jaylyn was his heart and he knew she was hurt but wanted her to understand what predicament he was in right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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