Ch. 2- Can I help you?

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I made a conscious decision to turn my phone off at  3 am.

I'd stupidly thought that Harry might call me wanting to come back over.

" I wanna see you again, Zayn"
"You're so beautiful, Zayn"


My decision bled into the following day when I decided to leave my phone back at my place.

I figured I'd go off the grid a little bit.
Enjoy my surroundings and all that.

So I threw my phone into the drawer of my nightstand and called it a day.

I got up and googled a few places within walking distance that I'd wanted to visit.

After putting my itinerary together I threw on my AC/DC tee and headed out to explore the city.

Cafe- Espresso at 9Postcards for fam at 10Light groceries 10:30Photo ops in front of a beautiful body of water by 11:45

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Cafe- Espresso at 9
Postcards for fam at 10
Light groceries 10:30
Photo ops in front of a beautiful body of water by 11:45

Bored by 12 pm

I figured I'd turn in for a few hours at least. Maybe I'd  take up activities after I reup on energy.

I also couldn't deny that I felt sort of naked without my phone.

I turned the corner to approach my building and stopped in my tracks when I saw someone hiding in the corner of the garden.

Beanie pulled low, glasses shaded dark and a dark blue hoodie.

They seemed to be pacing a bit but I tried to disregard their behavior.

I figured I could just run into the building if they alarmed me.

Just as I reached the bottom step they lifted their head to face me and it literally made my feet stutter.

Just as I reached the bottom step they lifted their head to face me and it literally made my feet stutter

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"Harry?" I asked aloud

I could see his eyebrows raise as he started towards me.

"Zayn. Where have-" he looked around and lowered his voice

"Where have you been?" He continued

For a second I didn't know how to respond.

"I was out this morning just sight seeing. What are you doing here?"

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