Chapter 3: Captivi

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"We're fucked." Annalise sighs... you said it. I look around and I count at least a dozen cultists, though I'm sure there's more I fail to see. In addition there were probably even more demons somewhere about. My face numbs with anxiety as the floor shakes in a rhythmic fashion similar to that of someone walking. "What's happening..." Phylos looks around frantically. The cultists remain calm and dispersed to make a path for someone or something. A big figure emerges from a trapdoor close to the back of the cathedral. Whatever it was immediately caught my attention. I see fur as black as the night sky emerging along with the head of a rat following a robed body, I could only assume the body was human or humanoid. The eyes, oh lord the eyes, empty and void of any light. This thing must have been about 10 maybe 12 feet tall at least. It was bigger than any human I've seen. However this isn't human, one could easily tell. The cultists kneel down in worship.

The thing walks closer, the ground continuing to shake at each step. Phylos, Xavier, and Annalise draw their guns and aim at it. It didn't seem worried. They fired a couple of shots and it only left bullet holes in the fabric. "Now look at that. Perfectly good clothes ruined." It's voice echoes in the room. One of the other three nudges me while I stand there locking eyes with it. I start reciting any prayer remembering why I'm involved, my voice shaking and breaking in this beings presence. "Save your words priest." It laughs as it kneels to be on our level. "I'm... I'm not a priest..." I mumble to myself as I try to keep my body from shaking. "Who the hell are you." Annalise demands. Are you trying to piss it off... the being's nose gets close to her face as it turns its head towards her. "Who the hell am I, was that a joke? I am Ira'nox. Lord of plague, bringer of chaos." It stands back up, its shadow covering the four of us. "You're the reason for Hell's rapture, aren't you." I ask but it was more like a statement. I could feel it was the reason for all that happened. He smiles a wide smile, you could see his teeth that are sharpened at the tips. 

I put my hand in my pant pocket clutching a small cross I brought with me. For I am scared, looking for some strength or courage to find but I cannot. "How about this. I forget this whole ordeal, you go back to wherever you came from, and we call it a day." it offers. Just like that, what is it playing at... "Surly you don't believe we're that stupid?" Xavier scoffs. Ira'nox shrugs and we decide maybe it'll be a good opportunity to report back to the General. Phylos has his gun back pointed towards it and the cultists as he motions for all of us to go back the way we came. Though not even a minute later, I guess Xavier didn't like where we left it because he takes a bag of blessed bullets and loads them in his firearm. "What are you doing?" I notice as he starts to go back to the cultists. Phylos holds Xaviers arm but it didn't stop him from opening fire. "Mother of go- now we're in for it." Annalise sighs as we book it out and the cultists start pursuing us.

Somehow we got close to the outskirts of town but we were stopped when some cultists were stationed where we were headed. The ground begins to shake so I turn around. As I expected, it was Ira'nox with more people. I could see a fresh bullet hole in its ear where Xavier fired. "I tried being civil and what do you do? You disrespect me in front of my people." Ira'nox really looks pissed now. It puts its hand around my neck... I'm going to die, oh god I'm going to die. "But it's a misunderstanding, yes?" It mocks as it lifts me from the ground. "You let me have this one, you'll leave unharmed." It laughs. I'll admit I wouldn't be surprised if Annalise, Phylos, and Xavier left me behind if it means they could make it out alive. I wouldn't blame them. They're more capable of saving others than I. There was silence, everyone stood not saying anything in response. I could feel its grip tighten as I have a harder time breathing. I reach into my pocket and take the cross. I instinctively jam it into its arm and I'm dropped. 

While on the ground, I can hear the others arguing with Ira'nox, like that'll do anything good for us or for those we're protecting. I must have hit my head hard... my ears fill with a loud ringing I can't hear anything being said. As it gets increasingly loud I feel a pain growing in my head. I let out a scream, not sure how loud it initially was, but it was loud enough to get everyone's attention. In the next few moments it felt like time stood still. Ira'nox decided not to be as "merciful" as it wanted to be and we've been taken into custody. Being brought back to the cathedral, being led into the trapdoor... this is all my fault, why didn't they leave, if only I could have been more prepared, kill it even. The basement level of the cathedral feels cold, damp, perfectly represents the feeling I believe I can say the four of us are feeling. I know I feel it. We're left in and the door shuts. The ringing in my ears dies down and I can finally hear what everyone is saying. But what was being said wasn't much... what are we supposed to do now?

For I Am CalmTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon